Document Type



Doctor of Business Administration


Business Administration

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Bindu Arya, PhD


Ekin K. Pellegrini, PhD

John P. Meriac, PhD


As social and environmental challenges become increasingly dire, organizations are focusing on creating positive social impacts beyond generating profits. Traditional strategic planning tools were originally created for the purposes of profit maximization and are not sufficient for organizations with the aim of addressing complex social issues. Open strategy offers a promising alternative by increasing multistakeholder involvement in the formulation of organizational strategy. Existing research has supported the idea that multistakeholder collaboration is an effective means for creating positive social impact since societal challenges are too complex for any one organization to sufficiently address. Despite these promises, there are risks and challenges inherent in the process of bringing together multiple stakeholders with divergent interests in an open strategy planning process. This action research focused on the process by which a nonprofit organization opens the idea generation phase of their strategic planning process to engage multiple stakeholders in order to increase their positive social impact. This study was informed by stakeholder theory, which offers the theoretical grounding to understand how organizations identify and engage stakeholders.
