Faculty Sponsor

Rob Wilson

Final Abstract for URS Program

Staph infection is caused by the staphylococcus bacteria, which is found on the skin or within the nose of even healthy individuals. This bacteria is usually harmless, but deadly infectious diseases may arise when it enters deep within the body. Staph infection is commonly treated with antibiotics, however the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain is resistant to antibiotics which further complicates treatment. This research provides insight on preventative measures to stop and slow the spread of staph infection in hospitals, along with what is being done to limit the number of MRSA infections. The CDC and NCBI both outline strategies to decrease the number of cases, such as maintaining a clean environment in hospitals and having nurses or physicians thoroughly wash their hands before coming into contact with a patient. New clinical medication and insight have emerged including ceftaroline and quinupristin-dalfopristin. It is important to recognize the action being taken to prevent the increase in staph infection cases because of how detrimental it can be on a hospital.

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Visual Presentation

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