New Directions in Facilitating the Teaching Roles of Parent in the Sex Education of their Children

John Henschke


A family-oriented sex education course was developed for parents to take together with their children. The program, which is designed for young people between the ages of 9 and 17, is offered in separate sections for the following groups: mothers and their 9- to 12 year-old daughter, mothers and their 13 to 17-year-old daughters, fathers and their 9 to 12-year-old sons, and fathers and their 13- to 17-year-old sons. Five 2 hour sessions were provided for the younger group and six 2- hour sessions were provided for the older group. Through mini lectures, films, discussion, activities, and games, the following topics were addressed: reproduction anatomy and physiography, body changes during puberty and adolescence, health and hygiene, pregnancy and childbirth, values and feelings, dating, and decision-making and communication skills. The program has been implemented successfully in various communities in the St. Louis and northwest Missouri area and has been featured in a documentary made for educational television and on a national prime-time news show.