Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Dr. Cathy Koetting


Dr. Cathy Koetting

Dr. Elise Schaller

Dr. Stephanie Esses



Problem: At a comprehensive pediatric medical center in the Midwest, there are currently no structured support programs for pediatric transplant patients and their families A regulated and structured family mentor/support program for transplant patients and their families can provide the outlet they require to feel supported by peers who have also gone through the same journey of pediatric solid organ transplantation. Methods: A descriptive program evaluation design utilizing the Stetler model to evaluate data regarding the family mentor/support programs in the diabetic and sickle cell departments at a Midwestern children’s hospital. The purpose was to gather meaningful data for evaluation regarding resiliency and perceived stress regarding their participation in the family mentorship/ support program. Results: Common themes of resiliency and higher stress levels were noted. The Brief Resiliency Survey showed that 64% of participants disagree that it takes them a long time to get over setbacks in their lives. This result shows the participants perceived they do not stay stressed for a long period of time. Perceived Stress Scale descriptive statistics showed many participants selected answers which correlated with higher stress levels. Conclusion: This QI project successfully identified the stress and resiliency levels of the active participants in the diabetic and sickle cell support/mentor programs. Unfortunately, this project had significant limitations due to the broad nature of the survey questions and the lack of demographic information. Future recommendations include transplant specific survey questions gathering demographic information and correlating the family support/mentor program with the participants stress and resiliency levels.
