Research from 2024
Reading Preparation in Initial Teacher Preparation Programs in Missouri, Katherine O'Daniels and Shea Kerkhoff
Research from 2023
Thinking beyond Chatbots’ Threat to Education: Visualizations to Elucidate the Writing or Coding Process, Education Sciences, Badri Adhikari
Repudiation and Repression: The Human Costs of Sovereign Default, Social Sciences, Stephen Bagwell
Ferrocenophanium Stability and Catalysis, Molecules, Sai Anvesh Bezawada, Neira Ušto, Chloe Wilke, Michael Barnes-Flaspoler, Rajamoni Jagan, and Eike B. Bauer
Research from 2022
Prevalence estimates of trafficking in persons using statistical definitions: a cross-sectional high-risk community survey in Cape Town, South Africa, BMJ Open, Rumi Kato Price, Annah K. Bender, Floriana H. Milazzo, Edna G. Rich, Nicolette V. Roman, Sheldon X. Zhang, and Erica L. Koegler
Research from 2021
Identifying Opportunities for Collective Curation During Archaeological Excavations, Ixchel Faniel, Anne Austin, Sarah Whitcher Kansa, Eric Kansa, Jennifer Jacobs, and Phoebe France
A descriptive prospective study of sports medicine practices for athletes in Uganda, African Health Sciences, Samuel Lubega, Timothy Makubuya, Haruna Muwonge, and Mike Lambert
Ferrocenium complex aided O-glycosylation of glycosyl halides, RSC Advances, Deva Saroja Talasila and Eike B. Bauer
Research from 2020
The Dominant Eye: Dominant for Parvo- But Not for Magno-Biased Stimuli?, Vision, Brian K. Foutch and Carl J. Bassi
Effects of Oral Antihistamines on Tear Volume, Tear Stability, and Intraocular Pressure, Vision, Brian K. Foutch, Kyle A. Sandberg, Edward S. Bennett, and Leonard L. Naeger
pensamento decolonial e a educação crítica: repensando o ensino de línguas na atualidade, Gláuks - Revista de Letras e Artes, Miriam Jorge
Teacher Education for the Twenty-First Century (and a post-pandemic world), Brazilian Journal of Applied Linguistics/Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, Miriam Jorge
Depois da Pandemia e do Pandemônio: Linguística Aplicada e Antirracismo, Revista X, Miriam Jorge and Mara Barbosa
Expanding Our Views of Science Education to Address Sustainable Development, Empowerment, and Social Transformation, Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, William Kyle
Pathways to post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol dependence: Trauma, executive functioning, and family history of alcoholism in adolescents and young adults, Wiley Online Library, Stacey Subbie-Saenz de Viteri, Ashwini Pandey, Gayathri Pandey, Chella Kamaraian, Rebecca Smith, Andrey Anokhin, Lance Bauer, Annah K. Bender, Grace Chan, Danielle Dick, Howard Edenberg, Sivan Kinreich, John Kramer, Marc Schuckit, Yong Zang, Vivia McCutcheon, Kathleen Bucholz, Bernice Poriesz, and Jacquelyn L. Meyers
[accepted version] Inclusion of Students With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Postsecondary Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review, Inclusion, Joshua Taylor, Magen Rooney-Kron, Holly Whittenburg, Colleen Thoma, Lauren Avellone, and Hannah Seward
Research from 2019
Students Taking Social Action: Critical Literacy Practices Through School-As-Museum Learning, Berkeley Review of Education, Genevieve Caffrey and Rebecca Rogers
Foreword Language, Gender, Race and Intersecctionalities, Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada, Miriam Jorge
Prevention and Management of Sport-Related Concussions in Uganda: A Case Study, American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Samuel Lubega, Mike Lambert, Timothy Makubuya, Shelina Babul, Haruna Muwonge, Robert Zavuga, Josephine Kasolo, and Joseph Kalanzi
Research from 2018
A Polyamide Inhibits Replication of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus by Targeting RNA in the Nucleocapsid, Journal of Virology, Ryan H. Gumpper, Weike Li, Carlos H. Castañeda, M José Scuderi, James K. Bashkin, and Ming Luo
Ruthenium complexes of the general formula [RuCl2(PHOX)2] as precatalysts in propargylic substitution reactions, Catalysis Communications, Negar Jourabchian, Kellsie Jurkowski, and Eike B. Bauer
Creating an interactive virtual community of linguistically and culturally responsive content teaching for English learners in a TESOL program, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, Sujin Kim, Kim Song, and Sarah Coppersmith
Wellness Behaviors and Body Mass Index Among U.S. Adolescents: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Sports Science, Timothy Makubuya
The Effects of Manual Therapy and PRIMFIT Unstable Surface Balance Training on Walking Gait Cycle Post an Acute Grade 3 Inversion Ankle Sprain: A Case Study, Sports Injuries and Medicine, Timothy Makubuya, Arie Poremba, and Haruna Muwonge
Inclusive Community Service among College Students with and without Intellectual Disability: A Pilot Study., The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, Alexandra Manikas, Erik Carter, and Jennifer Bumble
From Contextual Frustrations to Classroom Transformations: Female Empowerment through Science Education in Rural South Africa., Educational Action Research, Franci Schabort, Astrid Sinnes, and William Kyle
Missouri-Iowa Science Cooperative (Science Co-op), The rural educator, James Shymansky, Larry Yore, Leonard Annetta, and Susan Everett
Research from 2017
Teacher Candidates in Context: Investigating Inquiry Learning, Self-Efficacy and Stress within Teacher Education, International Online Journal of Teachers in Collaboration, Sarah Coppersmith and Glenda McCarty
Integrating Primary Sources, Artifacts, and Museum Visits into the Primary Years Program Inquiry Curriculum in an International Baccalaureate Elementary Setting, Journal of Social Studies Education Research, Sarah Coppersmith and Kim Song
Short-Wavelength Light-Blocking Eyeglasses Attenuate Symptoms of Eye Fatigue, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Jonathan B. Lin, Blair W. Gerratt, Carl J. Bassi, and Rajendra S. Apte
Nutritional Supplement Practices of Professional Ugandan Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study, Journal of The International Society of Sports Nutrition, Haruna Muwonge, Haruna Muwonge, Robert Zavuga, Peninnah Kabenge, and Timothy Makubuya
Research from 2016
Systematic Replication of the Effects of a Supplementary, Technology-Assisted, Storybook Intervention for Preschool Children with Weak Vocabulary and Comprehension Skills, Grantee Submission, Charles Greenwood, Judith Carta, Elizabeth Kelley, Gabriela Guerrero, Na Kong, Jane Atwater, and Howard Goldstein
Research from 2015
Accounting for Sick Days: A Scalar Approach to Health and Disease at Deir el-Medina, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Anne Austin
Heterogeneous dynamics in DNA site discrimination by the structurally homologous DNA-binding domains of ETS-family transcription factors, Nucleic Acids Research, Gaofei He, Ana Tolic, James K. Bashkin, and Gregory M.K. Poon
Macular pigment spatial distribution effects on glare disability/Efectos de la distribución espacial del pigmento macular en el nivel de discapacidad por deslumbramiento, Journal of Optometry, Christopher M. Putnam and Carl J. Bassi
Influence of macular pigment optical density spatial distribution on intraocular scatter/Influencia de la distribución espacial de la densidad óptica del pigmento macular sobre la dispersión intraocular, Journal of Optometry, Christopher M. Putnam, Pauline J. Bland, and Carl Bassi
NNESTs’ Professional Identity in the Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms, International Journal of Educational Psychology: IJEP, Kim Song and Alla Del Castillo
Research from 2014
Etherification reactions of propargylic alcohols catalyzed by a cationic ruthenium allenylidene complex, Catalysis Communications, Doaa F. Alkhaleeli, Kevin J. Baum, Jordan M. Rabus, and Eike B. Bauer
Research from 2013
Human Papillomavirus Episome Stability Is Reduced by Aphidicolin and Controlled by DNA Damage Response Pathways, ASM Journals, Terri G. Edwards, Michael J. Helmus, Kevin Koeller, James K. Bashkin, and Chris Fisher
DNA Damage Repair Genes Controlling Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Episome Levels under Conditions of Stability and Extreme Instability, PLOS One, Terri G. Edwards, Thomas J. Vidmar, Kevin Koeller, James K. Bashkin, and Chris Fisher
Research from 2010
New Chiral Phosphoramidite Complexes of Iron as Catalytic Precursors in the Oxidation of Activated Methylene Groups, Molecules, Pushkar Shejwalkar, Nigam P. Rath, and Eike B. Bauer
2,4,6-Triphenylaniline, Crystallographic Communications, Onome Ugono, Stephanie Cowin, and Alicia M. Beatty
2,2′,5,5′-Tetrachlorobenzidine, Crystallographic Communications, Onome Ugono, Marcel Douglas Jr, Nigam P. Rath, and Alicia M. Beatty
Research from 2009
[Final Draft Open Access] Confidence Testing for Knowledge-Based Global Communities., Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Diego, April 13–17, 2009, Brady Jack, Chia Liu, Houn Chiu, and James Shymansky
Confidence Wagering during Mathematics and Science Testing., Brady Jack, Chia-Ju Liu, Hoan-Lin Chiu, and James Shymansky
Confidence Testing for Knowledge-Based Global Communities, Brady Jack, Chia-Ju Liu, Houn-Lin Chiu, and James Shymansky
Research from 2008
Action Research as a Tool for Teacher Autonomy, D.E.L.T.A., Miriam Jorge, Heliana Mello, and Deise Dutra
Missouri-Iowa Science Cooperative (Science Co-Op): Rural Schools-Urban Universities Collaborative Project., The rural educator, James Shymansky, Larry Yore, Leonard Annetta, and Susan Everett
Research from 2005
A p-cyanophenylimido hexamolybdate: preparation and structure of [(n-C4H9)4N]2[Mo6O18(N-p-C6H4CN)], Comptes Rendus. Chimie, Haidoo Kwen, Alicia M. Beatty, and Eric A. Maatta
Research from 2001
A Close Look at Conflictual Supervisory Relationships: The Trainee's Perspective, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Mary Nelson and Myrna Friedlander
Efficient new ribozyme mimics: direct mapping of molecular design principles from small molecules to macromolecular, biomimetic catalysts, Nucleic Acids Research, William C. Putnam, Andrew T. Daniher, Bobby N. Trawick, and James K. Bashkin
Research from 2000
A Study of Changes in Students' Science Attitudes, Awareness and Achievement across Three Years as a Function of the Level of Implementation of Interactive-Constructivist Teaching Strategies Promoted in a Local Systemic Reform Effort., James Shymansky, Larry Yore, and John Anderson
Science, Parents, Activities, and Literature: Overview, Results, and Reflections., James Shymansky, Larry Yore, John Dunkhase, and Brian Hand
[accepted version] Empowering Families in Hands‐on Science Programs, School Science and Mathematics, James Shymansky, Larry Yore, and Brian Hand
Research from 1999
A Study of the Impact of a Long-Term Local Systemic Reform on the Perceptions, Attitudes, and Achievement of Grade 3/4 Students., James Shymansky, Larry Yore, and John Anderson
Research from 1998
Do Students Really Notice? A Study of the Impact of a Local Systemic Reform., James Shymansky, Larry Yore, John Dunkhase, and Brian Hand
Students' Perceptions and Supervisors' Rating as Assessments of Interactive-Constructivist Science Teaching in Elementary School., James Shymansky, Larry Yore, Laura Henriques, John Dunkhase, and Jean Bancroft
Students' Perceptions of Science Teaching and Attitudes toward Science Learning and Teachers' Self-Report of Using Children's Ideas, Applications of Science, and Use of Print Resources as Indicators of Interactive-Constructivist Teaching in Elementary Schools., Larry Yore, James Shymansky, Laura Henriques, Brian Hand, John Dunkhase, and JoAnne Lewis
Research from 1997
The Effect of a Teacher Enhancement Project Designed To Promote Interactive-Constructivist Teaching Strategies in Elementary School Science on Students' Perceptions and Attitudes., John Dunkhase, Brian Hand, James Shymansky, and Larry Yore
Research from 1988
[accepted version] A summary of research in science education—1986. Part II, Science Education, James Shymansky and William Kyle
Research from 1986
Issues Regarding the Establishment of Criteria for the Analysis and Selection of Science Textbooks., Ron Good and James Shymansky
Research from 1985
Reading, Understanding, Remembering and Using Information in Written Science Materials., Larry Yore and James Shymansky
Research from 1983
Rating Your Individualized Program, Science and the Early Adolescent., James Shymansky
Research from 1982
Valuing Science Content: Science is a Basic Skill for Everyone, Teaching Children Science: Changing Adversity into Advocacy., James Shymansky and D. Wayne Green
Research from 1976
Science Foundations: A Science Program for the Non-Science Major, Iowa Science Teachers Journal, James Shymansky
A Computer Program Designed to Identify Behavior Patterns in Observational Data, James Shymansky, John Penick, and Jay Wortman
Research from 1974
Science Foundations: A Science Program for the Non-Science Student. Technical Report No. 4., James Shymansky