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This qualitative case study was framed by an experiential learning approachorganized around video resources and linguistically and culturally responsivecontent teaching. The study explored an overarching research question: How didteacher-learners in a grant project interact with a multimedia learning platformthat combined teaching video and VoiceThread presentation, called VT project,designed to enhance their linguistically and culturally responsive content teaching(LCRCT) for English learners (ELs)? Data included participants’ VT projects,online and face-to-face class discussions, survey results, and final reflective papersin two TESOL courses as part of a National Professional Development grantprogram in a Midwestern University. Analyses demonstrated that the technologyassistedcourse design generally promoted a critical habit of mind among teacherlearnersthrough opportunities to attentively notice and critically reflect on one’sown and others’ teaching practices. Teacher-learners demonstrated a sharedownership over their teaching processes while establishing a reflective discoursecommunity, where the LCRCT framework guided their learning and practices ofLCRCT for ELs. Study implications include ways for the teacher-learners totransfer their learning from this reflective multimedia-supported TESOL programinto their classrooms, schools, and districts, as well as the challenges. The researchwas conducted by the three instructors who designed and implemented the course.

Publication Date

January 2018

Publication Title

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education





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