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This text is meant to be used in any first year College Composition class or as a general guide to college writing. The book focuses on writing as a process, not a product. The goal is to help students discover their own writing process, tryin g out different methods and strategies to find what works best for them.

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Sponsoring Institution / Retrieved from Organization

Minnesota State Opendora

OER Category

UMSL OER Adopted

Publication Date



Instructors can use the text as a whole or pick and choose the parts that are
relevant and useful to their course outcomes and teaching style. They can also change, add, or rewrite the book to suit their courses. [Note: this is an updated version of the text You, Writing! that was released Spring 2018. This is to replace that text. It is not much different from the original Spring 2018 version of You, Writing! Most of the changes from the first edition of You, Writing! are editing and style issues. This edition is You, Writing! 2019.]

This OER at UMSL

Prof. Leslie Scheuler - HONORS 3100