Dissertations from 2024
Is it More State than Trait? Within-person Variability and Inter-rater Agreement of Feedback Orientation, Timothy J. Bartkoski
Factors Influencing Purpose in Life in Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Kelly Bergstrom
Addicted to the Beloved? A Comparison of Craving for and Attention to Beloved and Vape Stimuli, Caitlyn Harriman
Fear, Distress, and Dissociation: Correlates of Physiological Hyporeactivity After Interpersonal Victimization, Natalia Kecala
Evaluating Behavioral Skills Training to Improve Data Collection Procedures in Paraprofessionals, Megan Weber
Dissertations from 2023
Missed and Prior Diagnoses in Children Later Diagnosed with Autism, Maire Diemer
Do Allyship and Motivation Influence Women’s Cognitive Functioning and Self-Regulation After Witnessing Sexism?, Christina Garasky
Gender and Sociodemographic Discrepancies in ADHD Symptom Endorsement, Tabish Gul
Engagement in Mental Health Research: The Role of Mental Health Awareness and Perceived Intervention Stigma in Clinical Research Engagement Among African American Faith Communities, Camelia Harb (Available for download on Thursday, March 06, 2025)
Treatment Outcome from Cognitive Processing Therapy Examined Three Ways, Sophie Haven
Self-Compassion and Experiential Avoidance: Potential Pathways to Posttraumatic Growth, Julia Sager
Theses from 2022
Selfies and the Self: The Influence of Instagram Posting on Self and Cognition, Giovanni Castillo
Trauma and Alcohol/Substance Use: The Role of Self-regulation Flexibility, Saankari Anusha Challa
Rethinking Binge Eating Disorder: Is Resource Depletion the Missing Link?, Laura Fewell
HIV and Early Life Stress on Neuroimaging and Risky Behavior, Paola Garcia Egan
Heart Rate Variability Following Treatment for PTSD: Testing the Polyvagal Theory, Brittany F. Goodman
Race, Masculinity, and Personality Development: Understanding the Black Male Experience in America, Veronica High
Correlates of Psychological Well-Being in Older Adults with Treatment-Resistant Depression, Selmi Kallmi
What’s Religion Got to Do with It?: Differing Religiosity Domains’ Association with College Students’ Sexual Consent During First-Time Intercourse, Kaylee Richmond
Cortisol Administration Normalizes Aberrant Functional Connectivity in Women with Depression, Adam C. Runyan
Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Anger, and Substance Use as Risk Factors for Trauma Revictimization, Hannah E. Walker
Dissertations from 2021
What Does Masculinity Have to Do With It? The Roles of Fathers in the Socialization of Children’s Emotions and Emotion Regulation, Kathryn Cherry (Available for download on Saturday, July 05, 2025)
The Impact of Consumer Smart Device Platforms on Illness Uncertainty and Anxiety in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Wing Yan Vien Cheung
Examining Own-Race Bias: A Cooperation and Memory Study Using Diverse Emojis, Jillian Franks
Impact of Aging Information on the Continuing Education Preferences of Behavioral Health Clinicians, Nicholas Schmidt
Regulation of Self-love, Kruti Surti
Dissertations from 2020
Recognition of Gender Microaggressions in the Workplace: The Case of Predisposition and Propensity to Recognize, Alicia Ako-Brew
Women’s Sexual Satisfaction in the Context of Midlife Relationships: Examining an Ecological Model and Intergenerational Caregiving, Katherine M. Arenella
Assessing A Cognitive Model of Trauma-related Sleep Disturbance, Rebecca Chesher
Up-regulation of Sexual Desire in Long-term Relationships: Self-report and Electrophysiological Data, Lauri L. Davis
Exclusionary Beliefs, Multicultural Ideology, Empathy, and Perceived Threat: A Comprehensive Model of Anti-immigrant Prejudice, Reigna El-Yashruti
Do Hardworking Role Models Lower Implicit Gender-Science Bias?, Christina Garasky
PTSD Symptom Interaction Among Victims of Interpersonal Violence: A Network Analysis, Robert Graziano
Sedative and Neurotoxic Properties of Brexanolone Compared to Midazolam in the Developing Rodent Brain, Jacob Huffman
The Vulnerability of Chronic Stress: Implications for Feeling Like Giving Up, Miranda Jany
More than Just Words on a Screen: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Understanding Effects of Race-Related Media, Melinda Kittleman
Can Ratings of Item Location Enhance Statistical Item Parameter Estimation? Extending the Feasibility of Unfolding IRT Models, Michael McKenna
Influences of SALVINORIN A and SEX DIFFERENCES on DEPRESSIVE- AND ANXIETY-LIKE behaviors in a CHRONIC MILD STRESS paradigm, Sarah Mitchell
Characteristics of Notes Taken During the Employment Interview and Their Impact on Organizational Outcomes, James T. Mundell
Uncertainty in the Context of End-of-life Communication in Heart Failure, Caleb Pardue
Psychological Factors Related to Physical Activity in Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Tyler Pendleton
Meaning in the noise: Neural signal variability in major depressive disorder, Sally M. Pessin
Different Exercise Tendencies Modulate Behavioral and Molecular Changes to Opioid or Exercise-Induced Reward, Amanda Titus
Dissertations from 2019
What Does Time Management Mean to You? Exploring Measures of Time Management and Group Differences., Allison Burrus
Negative and Positive Reappraisal After a Romantic Break-up, Scarlett Horner
Same-sex Sexual Coercion among Women: The Impact of Minority Stress on Perpetration and Victimization Experiences of Women of Diverse Sexual Identities, Allison Kirschbaum
An Exploration of Contextual Factors of Weight-based Discrimination Against Business Leaders, Ellen Hermann Lynch
Understanding Comorbid Depression in the Context of PTSD Through Underlying Dimensions, Melissa Turkel
You Look Like Me: The Impact of Demographic Similarity on Picture Primes’ Effectiveness, Jennifer L. Unnerstall
Dissertations from 2018
Exploring Internalized Classism Using the Regressive Model of Self-stigma, Johanna Collier
Mindfulness as a vigilance intervention: Examining its impact on stress and mental demand, Kelli Huber
The Dreaded Performance Appraisal: Can the Process Ever be Comfortable?, Lauren LaBat
Intercultural Coworker Relationships (ICORs) in the Global Workplace: A Grounded Theory Study, Jennifer L. Morton
Why Giving Up the Keys Can Be Terrifying: Examining Driving Retirement Through a Terror Management Theory Paradigm, Perri Navarro
Motivation Predicts Self-Control of Racial Bias After Viewing Alcohol Advertisements, Zachary Wolfgang Petzel
Family Care Partners of Chronically Ill Older Adults: The Role of Uncertainty in Illness, Jillian Pine
Examining the Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth: Pathways to Thriving in the Face of Adversity, David Strasshofer
Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Political Behavior Scale, Amanda Thomas
Dissertations from 2017
Right Hemisphere Capacities for Word-Finding: Bilateral Modulation of Event-Related Potentials in Healthy Adults and Adults with Aphasia, Amanda C. Alton
Neuroimaging and Cognitive Outcomes in Adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Early Life Stress, Laurie M. Baker
Work Ethic, Turnover, and Performance: An Examination of Predictive Validity for Entry-level Employees, Christina Banister
Validation of the Multilayered Gender Identity Questionnaires, Philip Eiseman
Women’s Sexual Initiation: The Impact of Gender Roles and Relationship Type, Sara Gonzalez-Rivas
Positive vs. Negative Politics and Behavioral Intentions: An Experimental Examination, Sarah Hill
A Longitudinal Examination of Personality at Work: Examining the Relationship Between Variability in Personality and Job Performance and Turnover Intentions, Ryan Joseph Hirtz
Healthcare Use Self-Efficacy in Adults Who Are Homeless, Jared Ian Israel
I Warned You! Applicant Reactions to Different Types of Warnings Against Faking on Personality Tests: An Organizational Justice, Trust and Affect-Based Perspective, Vanessa M. Lammers
Signature Strengths: A Positive Psychology Intervention with Informal Caregivers, Megan C. MacDougall
Exploring Whites' Recognition of Racial Microaggressions through an Existential Lens, Ashley Gold Parker
A Video Intervention for Professionals Working with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults, Allison R. Warren
Beauty is Beneficial: An Examination of Candidate Facial Attractiveness, Gender, Qualification, and Customer Visibility on Online Recruitment Intentions, Breanna R. Wexler
Dissertations from 2016
The Impact of a Supportive Feedback Environment on Attitudinal and Performance Outcomes, Amanda Lee Blinebry
Caffeine Combined with Sedative/Anesthetic Drugs Used in Neonatal Medicine and Apoptotic Neurotoxicity in Developing Mouse Brain, Omar Hosea Cabrera
Effects of blood pressure on brain microstructure and cognition in healthy older adults, Sarah Ann Cooley
Fidelity to the Cognitive Processing Therapy Protocol: Further Evaluation of Critical Elements, Courtney Chappuis Farmer
The Role of Client Avoidance on PTSD Recovery throughout the Course of Trauma Therapy, Chelsea Alyssa Gloth
Questioning the Questioner: The Effect of Applicant Questions on Interview Outcomes, Heather Grace Heimbaugh
The Public Consequences of a Personal Choice: The Impact of the Decision to be Childfree in Family-Friendly America, Emily Ingalls
The Psychological Flexibility Model and PTSD Intrusion Symptoms, Kaylin Jones
Doctrinal Dialogues: Factors Influencing Client Willingness to Discuss Religious Beliefs, Katherine A. Judd
Genetic risk for increased oxidative stress in the aging brain:Implications for white matter integrity and cognition, Lauren Salminen
Intentional and Unintentional Misreporting on Self-Report Measures of Sexually Aggressive Behavior, Emily Strang
Dissertations from 2015
Affectivity, Brain Structure and Function, and Treatment Outcomes in Cognitive Processing Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Wilson James Brown
Neural Correlates of Rumination in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Before and After Cognitive Processing Therapy, Katherine Ruth Buchholz
Coping with Racial Discrimination: The Impact of Substance Use, Emotional Eating, and Emotional Support on Mental and Physical Health, Maurice Endsley, Jr.
Medication Non-Adherence in Community Dwelling Older Adults with Dementia: An Educational Intervention for Family Caregivers, Nika Renee George
Cultural Conceptualizations of the Trauma Response: The Role of Locus of Control, Religiosity, and Religious Coping, Yu-Feng Emily Hu
Decision making and association in hoarding, Brianna Dora Mann
Dissertations from 2014
Structural and cognitive correlates of body mass index in healthy older adults, Jacob Bolzenius
A longitudinal look at electronic mentoring relationships, Lyndsey Marie Havill