Can Cobb Integrate Dharmakīrti?

Document Type



Master of Arts



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Berit Brogaard, PhD.


Jon McGinnis

Robert Northcott

Theodore Vitali


Deep Religious Pluralism is a recent compilation of attempts to integrate religious systems within a superstructure of Process metaphysics, or the ¿complementary pluralistic hypothesis.¿ I argue that Process complementary pluralism entails a specific metaphysics of time, which can be represented by the growing block theory in analytic philosophy. It relies upon the metaphysics of complementary pluralism as a superstructure within which to construe the diversity of religions as valid, insofar as they each make contact with a different ¿ultimate reality.¿ If it is the case that the ultimate reality of a religious tradition conflicts with the superstructure, then integration of that tradition into a deep religious pluralism fails. Dharmakīrti¿s Buddhist view of time serves as a test case, to show that there are conflicts between it and Process metaphysics. Ultimately, I conclude that there are tensions within Whitehead¿s work which need be explored further to extract a more satisfactory ontology, at least when attempting to compare Process and other religious metaphysics.

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