Document Type



Master of Arts



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

John Brunero, Ph.D.


John Brunero

Stephanie Ross

Jon McGinnis


Conscripting organs from cadavers represents a radical new approach to the problem of organ procurement for transplantation. As it currently stands, there is a wide disparity between the supply of viable organs and the need for those organs in order to perform life-saving transplantations. There is, therefore, a major problem with the current organ procurement model in the United States. Cadaveric organ conscription avoids the requirement for consent in organ donation; all candidates for organ donation will have viable organs harvested for transplantation under this policy. Organ conscription has the potential to close the widening gap between the number of people who need an organ transplant and the number of people who donate an organ. I contend that conscription of organs from cadavers is the best approach to adopt in order to solve the problem of organ procurement. I defend organ conscription from numerous objections, and attempt to show that is is both a practical and desirable policy. I conclude not only that the benefits of organ conscription outweigh the drawbacks, but also that organ conscription is the most morally desirable approach to procurement.

OCLC Number

