"Those Thrice Marked By Time: The Significance of the Last Known Surviv" by Michael Tofte

Document Type



Master of Arts



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Jon McGinnis


Jon McGinnis

Eric Wiland

Jill Delson


Following Adam Zarakov, the last known survivor is a significant figure and a representative of a larger type that is under-considered. Last known survivors are ubiquitous in fictional media and how history is told. Some survivors like Frank Buckles are given lavish state funerals with participation of strangers. Yet, this under-analysis is concerning as the 21st century will likely feature the recognition of last known survivors of many significant 20th century events. I offer one attempt of addressing this lacuna.

The first aim is to motivate philosophical interest in the phenomenon of the last known survivor. I present case studies from obituaries, newspaper articles, documentaries, “popular” and academic history, and fictional media to clarify the phenomenon. The second aim is to describe the phenomenon, using a view entitled Symbolic-Personal Remembrance & Recognition, and consider its implications. This view is generalized from an Arendtian heuristic, using Arendt’s thought on history and collective remembrance, towards a way of understanding recognized last known survivors as neither simply a symbol nor a person but someone in the liminal space of both. The last known survivor is significant as an individual in the timings of the event and of their death. A sub-category, recognized last survivors, received recognition from a collective due to the individual’s survivorship, even if their biography alone would not typically merit it. SPRR is a means of showing these features in a generalizable formulation.

I argue that the tension between the symbolic and the personal should be maintained as this view solves two thought problems. Viewing the survivor as participating in a symbolic role allows for the remembrance or honor to be show to the event and other survivors, as is common, to be done in a way that still appropriately recognizes this survivor. Also, emphasizing the personal and “knownness” avoids concerns like those of the Vietnam “unknown soldier.”

I conclude with my criticism of a frequently and colloquially used explanation of last known survivor significance—the loss of all direct, first-hand memory of the event—and my raising of several ethical concerns of the phenomenon for future engagement.
