"Development of a Biocompatible Carrier for a Study of pH Response Drug" by Brittany Richardson

Faculty Sponsor

Keith Stine

Final Abstract for URS Program

Development of a Biocompatible Carrier for a Study of pH Response Drug Release

Brittany Richardson


Cancer nanodrugs are a developing treatment concerned with target drug delivery and diagnosis through the application of specific surface modification on the nanoscale (approximately 1-100 nm). Current chemotherapeutic drug treatments damage surrounding tissues due to the lack of selectivity in the drug delivery system, toxicity, and inability to completely address the cancer cells. Bortezomib is an anticancer drug used to treat mantle cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma through proteasome inhibition. The Bortezomib delivery system does not display optimal efficiency and could be improved upon through the application of surface modification by poloydopamine (PDA).1,2 The electropolymerization of PDA was conducted in neutral conditions by a 7.4 TRIS buffer and completed by cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM)/energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX).3,4 The use of both bare gold electrode and nanoporous gold were considered for attachment. After characterization of attachment and optimization of electrochemical cycles, the Bortezomib will be electrochemically attached to the ePDA and a drug binding constant will be calculated from concentrations of the drug in solution and the corresponding electrochemical impedance spectra. The drug release study will be conducted as a function of pH. The cis-diol and boronic acid complex formed by the binding of Bortezomib to polymerized dopamine is projected to break in solution under acidic conditions. Further characterization and study are in the process of being performed and analyzed.


1J.K. Patra, et al. Nano based drug delivery systems: recent developments and future prospects.Journal of Nanobiotechnology.16, 71 (2018)

2 K. Kopeckova, T. Eckschlager, J. Sirc, R. Hobzova, J. Plch, J. Hrabeta, Nanodrugs used in cancer therapy. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2019 Jun; 163(2):122-131.

3 J.-l. Wang et al. Electropolymerization of dopamine for surface modification of complex-shaped cardiovascular stents. Biomaterials. 2014. 35. 7679-7689.

4 J.K. Bhattarai, Y.H. Tan, B. Pandey, K. Fujikawa, A.V. Demchenko, K.J. Stine. Electrochemical Impedence Spectroscopy Study of Concanvalin A Binding to Self-Assembled Monolayers of Mannosides on Gold Wire Electrodes. J Electroanal Chem 780. 311-320 (2016).

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