"The Relationship Between Resilience, Stress & PTSD" by Hadeal Al-hamdani Ms., Adam Runyan Mr et al.

Faculty Sponsor

Carissa Philippi

Final Abstract for URS Program

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by intrusive thoughts or memories of the traumatic event that hinder daily life activities of individuals with a PTSD diagnosis. Stress exposure has further been shown to exacerbate PTSD symptoms. Given that resilience has been shown to buffer levels of stress, the current study investigated whether resilience may moderate the relationship between stress and PTSD symptoms. Eighty-one participants over the age of 18 were recruited from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis and St. Louis community. Participants completed 3 self-report measures of resilience, exposure to stressful life events (e.g., Have you ever been in a car accident before?), and PTSD symptoms. In support our first hypothesis, we found that stress exposure was associated with greater PTSD symptoms (b = 2.08, t(77) = 5.02, p < .001). However, resilience did not moderate the relationship between stress exposure and PTSD symptoms (B = -0.01, p = .68). Future studies may examine the influence of medications on PTSD, chronic stress, and resilience.

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