"The Effects of Previous Childhood Trauma on Dissociative Symptoms in A" by Lillith J. Clark, Natalia M. Kecala et al.

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Michael Griffin

Final Abstract for URS Program

This presentation aims to examine the effects of previous childhood abuse (e.g. physical or sexual abuse) on the dissociative symptoms experienced by adult survivors of recent traumas (e.g. physical or sexual assaults). The aims of this study are to examine the self-reports of the participants regarding childhood experiences of trauma, their current dissociative experiences and the severity of those experiences, and physiological markers such as skin conductance and heart rate that may play a significant role in their experiences of dissociation. The hypothesis of this research is that previous childhood abuse will significantly increase the likelihood and severity of the adult survivor reporting dissociative experiences, and that their physiological data will indicate a significant difference between individuals who experienced childhood trauma and those who did not.

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