"An Education System Built on the Pillars of White Supremacy and Anti-B" by Abena B. Boateng, Ida B. Casey et al.

Document Type



Doctor of Education


Educational Practice

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Dr. Thomasina Hassler


Dr. Thomasina Hassler, Chairperson

Dr. Keith Miller

Dr. Cheryl Osby


In this collection of autoethnographic studies, a group of five women with differing racial identities takes us through each of their deeply personal journeys of social justice awareness and transformation. Using the theoretical frameworks of Critical Race Theory and Critical Whiteness Studies, these women share personal narratives of their lived experiences depicting how the education system in the United States is built on the pillars of White supremacy and anti-Blackness. Through their stories, we learn that schools are not meant for all students to succeed, and in actuality, Black students never had a chance. This collection of autoethnographic studies exposes how our school system perpetuates the larger agenda of White supremacy in our nation. The study concludes with implications of the work and suggestions for the future of multicultural education, hoping that one day we will have an education system that fosters the success of each student.
