"Talk to Me - a Re-standardization of Bedside Report" by Lisa Randall

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Susan Dean-Baar


Natalie Murphy

Patricia Eppel


The use of bedside shift report provides for an accurate exchange of information between healthcare providers. Bedside shift report has been shown to decrease call light usage, medication errors, patient falls, as well as increase patient and nurse satisfaction. The aim of this project was to re-implement the usage of bedside shift report on two units in a community hospital. The steps involved in this project were a preliminary survey followed by observations of the current process of bedside report. The next step was to educate regarding the importance of bedside report and its benefits. This was followed by another set of observations and a final survey. Lewin’s three step change theory and the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) model were used to guide the project. Independent samples t-tests and chi-square goodness of fit tests were used to analyze the data. HCAPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) nursing care scores improved from below the 50th percentile in both units to most scores being above the 50th percentile for all areas regarding nursing communication. Both units also showed improvement in all critical areas of bedside report during the observations. The goal for all critical components included in the observations is completion 80% of the time, in the pre-observations this only occurred in 2 of the 14 items, for the post observations 10 of the 14 components occurred at least 80% of the time. All but two of the components of bedside report showed improvement and one of these items started above 80% occurrence and remained above the benchmark in the post-observation. The survey of registered nurse staff also showed improvements in satisfaction with last report given, nurse/patient relationship and patient satisfaction, and nurse/patient relationship and job satisfaction. The staff made substantial improvements in their bedside report process. There are still improvements to be made and with further education and reinforcement, the process can be hardwired into daily process.
