"Resuscitation Quality Improvement Mortality Rates" by Jordan Priest

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Susan Dean-Baar


Nancy Magnuson

Amelia Payne


This paper explores and answers the question: What is the impact of Resuscitation Quality Improvement on survival at discharge rates after suffering an IHCA when compared to every two-year BLS/ACLS training? Articles are explored that identify positive patients’ outcomes when resuscitation training is repetitively learned. The design consists of a BLS/ACLS and RQI evaluation of quarterly survival to discharge rates prior to the initiation of the new RQI program and after the initiation of the new RQI program. The setting of the study is the east region of a midwestern faith-based health care system, that includes four hospitals in one state including both urban and rural facilities. A retrospective chart review was collected on data from the period prior to the initiation of RQI and after the initiation of RQI. Data analysis included descriptive statistics for the two groups and t-tests and chi-square to compare the two groups for gender, admitting diagnosis, prior efforts before initiation of CPR, outcome of CPR efforts and discharge status. The results of the overall data, not specific to individual sites, of BLS/ACLS and RQI and status at discharge observed significant, x² (1) = 5.48, and p= 0.019 (Table 3), with less than expected values for survival at discharge after the initiation of RQI. The findings show that overall survival to discharge didn’t improve with implementation of RQI. With this, the continuous need to utilize and evaluate evidence-based practices for cardiac resuscitation is necessary to implement resuscitation training with the most positive outcome.
