"Where the rocks are in the pond : using critical race theory to gain a" by Thomasina F. Hassler

Document Type



Doctor of Education



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Matthew Davis




“Where the rocks are in the pond” is a metaphor for the concept of empowerment so that those who have traditionally been marginalized and isolated, typically people of color and the poor, can learn the normative strategies that the dominant culture accesses to success. Developmentally, members of marginalized populations are harmed by the lack of access to quality resources for social, economic, political and educational growth. I have chosen autoethnography as the vehicle to carry critical events that illuminate the deleterious effects of racialization in U. S. society. The study used critical race theory as the theoretical lens to analyze several narratives of a Black, female educator. These stories and counter-stories intend to increase awareness and understanding in how educational institutions at every level, knowingly or not, participate in the perpetuation of racist policies and practices. The goal of this research is to contribute strategies and techniques to a body of knowledge that speaks little about Black educators navigating the waters in predominately white school settings.

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Education Commons
