"Autoethnographies Exploring the Cultural Spirit Murdering and Nurturin" by Sara Z. Beg, Maritza Caldera et al.

Document Type



Doctor of Education


Educational Practice

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Thomasina Hassler, PhD


Shenita Mayes, PhD

JaNae' Alfred, PhD


This autoethnography sought to understand how our experiences during our K-12 journey as three minority students shaped our identities as students and our teaching style today. An autoethnography allowed us to analyze our experiences through the lens of Cultural Spirit Nurturing and Cultural Spirit Murdering. Cultural Spirit Nurturing, as we defined it, is the acceptance, respect, and inclusion of different cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, races, languages, and religions in society. We dissected our lived moments as Pakistani Muslim American, African American, and Mexican American students turned educators, defined them as Cultural Spirit Nurturing or Murdering, and bridged them with the concepts of intersectionality and LatCrit (Latino/a Critical Race Theory), MusCrit (Muslim Critical Race Theory), and BlackCrit (Black Critical Race Theory) within Critical Race Theory. This allowed us to further examine the long-lasting effects these experiences made on our choices throughout our lives.
