Document Type



Doctor of Philosophy


Education, Counseling

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Phillip Waalkes


Mary Edwin

Emily Oliveira

Bradley McKibben


The American Counseling Association (Media Kit, 2023) records state that 62% of their membership is made up of master’s level clinicians, with 18.92% holding a doctorate and another 5.07% enrolled in a doctoral program. Membership is largely skewed toward master’s level professionals and only 7.44% of ACA members report working in a counselor education setting (Media Kit, 2023). However, most research regarding supervision is based on supervisors practicing in an academic setting (Cook et al., 2018; Jones et al., 2019; Kemer et al., 2014; Kemer et al., 2017; Kemer, 2020). The objective of these studies is to understand how master’s level supervisors develop their expertise as supervisors and how they broach and address multicultural issues and intersectionality in the supervision relationship. These studies highlight how supervision skills are developed when finding quality training in supervision is often challenging. These studies give insight to the lived experiences of supervision skill development. Changes need to happen to teaching and training expectations for supervisors to be better equipped to support new counselors and create more consistency across states.
