"Depression Screening and Education for Immigrants to Increase Access t" by Viktoriya Ivantsova

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Brittania Phillips, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC


Brittania Phillips, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC

Debra D’Arcy, DNP, RN

Jason Baker, PhD



Problem: Immigrants are at risk for developing mental health disorders due to multiple factors including social, cultural, or economic factors. This can result in a lower quality of life and an increased chance of further disabilities. Although immigrants are at increased risk for the development of mental health disorders, studies show that utilization of available services and resources are low. Additionally, organizations that provide services to immigrants may not be implementing screening and psychoeducation.

Methods: This quality improvement (QI) project followed a descriptive, observational design along with an educational intervention. Using convenience sampling for recruitment, Russian and/or Ukrainian adults ages 18-65 years old who had received services through the partnering organization completed a Patient Health Questionnare-8 (PHQ-8) prior to an educational seminar. Four weeks after the educational seminar, participants completed a follow-up PHQ-8 and survey via email. Data collected included demographics, pre- and post-PHQ-8 results, and whether respondents sought out resources following the education.

Results: Five participants initially screened positive for depression via the PHQ-8. After implementation of the educational intervention, three out of five individuals scoring positive for depression sought out resources (42.9%) and showed a decrease in their PHQ-8 scores.

Implications for Practice: Implementation of screening and psychoeducation is recommended for organizations providing services for immigrant populations to potentially increase access and utilization of existing services.

Additional Files

Patient-health-questionnaire-PHQ-8-scoring-and-interpretation-with-BRFSS-response.png (58 kB)
This is is the PHQ-8 (the tool used in the project).

depression tx (CSP- part II) COMBINED.pptx (1678 kB)
This is the depression treatment powerpoint part of the educational intervention.

depression & MH- PART I COMBINED.pptx (21026 kB)
