"Social Work in Pediatric Primary Care" by Courtney Maxey

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Amanda Finley, PhD, RN


Amanda Finley, PhD, RN

Emily Winn, DNP, APRN

Omar Maatouk, MD


Social Work in Pediatric Primary Care


Social determinants of health significantly impact a child's health, and pediatric primary care providers are in the optimal position to help provide treatment and resources to children in need. Studies have shown that integrating social work and nurse care managers has improved many health outcomes for children. This study attempts to answer how the presence of a social work led team impacts pediatric primary care. This project includes children ages 0-18 years seen at a pediatric office with select chronic conditions. Epic was used to perform a medical record review to identify the number of emergency department visits and available medication refills. An independent sample t-test was performed on each set of data. The results did not yield statistically significant changes in emergency department visits, available as-needed medication refills or available daily medication refills. However, the available daily medication refills may offer clinical significance, and pediatric primary care providers should consider making regular contact with patients to evaluate medication compliance and needs. This study's most significant limitation was the time data was collected. Future research should consider an extended data collection period, a longitudinal study following the patients before and after enrollment, and patient satisfaction with the program.
