"The Cultivation and Integration of Cultural Humility and Cultural Comp" by Gon Ratanashevorn

Document Type



Doctor of Philosophy


Education, Counseling

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Susan Kashubeck-West


Philip Waalkes

Emily Brown

Amney Harper


Previous researchers have highlighted the lack of consistency and standards in LGBTIQ+ cultural competence trainings which may cause negative therapy experiences for LGBTIQ+ clients. This research empirically explored counselors’ (n = 12) process of the cultivation and integration of LGBTIQ+ cultural competence and cultural humility to inform training which leads to better services for LGBTIQ+ clients through constructivist grounded theory method. The theory of the life-long cultivation and integration of LGBTIQ+CC and cultural humility emerged with five categories: (1) motivation to do right by queer clients, (2) cultivating the right soil for queer folks, (3) walking the walk to integrate knowledge into practice, (4) the multifaceted application of LGBTIQ+CC and cultural humility, and (5) hardship, maintenance and self-care. The emerging theory offers a clear and organized blueprint for the process of cultivation, integration, and application of LGBTIQ+ cultural competence and cultural humility. The result of this study informs the training and practice towards betterment of counseling service for LGBTIQ+ clients and community.
