"The Relationship Between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and R" by Dixie Dawn Phillips Meyer

Document Type



Doctor of Education


Counselor Education

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Susan Kashubeck-West, Ph.D.


Paul, Robert (cochair)


R. Rocco Cottone

Matthew Lemberger


This investigation examined the relationship between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) use and romantic relationship quality. The research sample consisted of participants in the attachment phase of their romantic relationship who had been in the same, current romantic relationship for a minimum of two years. Participants were recruited via professional listservs, electronic social networking, and prior relationships with the principal investigator. A total of 165 individuals participated in the main analysis. Results revealed no significant differences on romantic relationship quality scores by SSRI use after controlling for interest in sexual activity, sexual relationship satisfaction, depression, anxiety, paranoid, dependent, schizoid, sexual activity per month, time spent with one?s partner, and dates per month. Correlational analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between SSRI use and interest in sexual activity, depressive symptoms, and dependent, paranoid, and passive-aggressive personality patterns. Results from independent T-tests found higher means on each of these variables with those using a SSRI. Higher scores on the scales that measured depressive symptoms and the personality patterns indicate the presence of more symptoms. However, higher scores on the interest in sexual activity variable indicate less interest in sexual activity. Correlational analysis revealed a significant negative relationship between partner?s antidepressant status and the overall score on the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, dyadic satisfaction, dyadic cohesion, sexual activity per month, and sexual relationship satisfaction. Results from a MANOVA analysis revealed differences in mean scores on sexual relationship satisfaction by partner?s antidepressant status. No significant differences in mean scores were found between scores on the dyadic consensus, dyadic adjustment, and dyadic satisfaction by partner?s antidepressant status.

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