"Role Breadth and OCB: An Investigation of Antecedents and Consequences" by Kimberly M. Perry

Document Type



Doctor of Philosophy


Psychology, Industrial and Organizational

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

John P. Meriac, PhD.


Mark Tubbs

Stephanie Merritt

Ekin Pellegrini

Cody Ding


Two studies were conducted to further investigate how organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is conceptualized through the psychological mechanisms relating to OCB role definition, outcomes of OCB role definition, and the structure of OCB definition ratings. Previous research on OCB has suggested that organizational members have different perspectives, such that supervisors have a broader role definition than do their subordinates (Morrison, 1994). Study 1 tested a theoretical model using SEM that included the underlying psychological processes that relate to role breadth as well as individual-level and organizational-level outcome variables. The results supported a significant positive relationship between employee rated OCB definition and supervisor rated OCB performance, which extended work by Chiaburu and Byrne (2009). OCB role definition mediated the relationship between relational psychological contracts and OCB performance. Study 2 investigated the structure of role breadth by comparing subordinate and supervisor ratings through measurement invariance and multidimensional scaling. While supervisors are more likely to rate OCB as being in-role than employees, the results from Study 2 concluded that employees and supervisors may have a similar cognitive understanding of OCB definition. Limitations and implications of this study were discussed.

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Psychology Commons
