"Enzyme Therapy in Oncology Care: A Clinical Scholarship Project" by Julie Penick

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Margaret Barton-Burke, Ph.D., R.N.


Susan Farberman, DNP

Richard Yakimo, PhD

Dennis Frerking, DC


Studies worldwide indicate that oral enzyme therapy (OET) can prevent or reduce the side effects associated with standard oncology care. Yet use of OET is not common in the United States. The ultimate aim of the proposed project is to improve the quality of life of women with breast cancer who are on standard chemotherapy protocols. Achieving this goal can be facilitated by implementation of the proposed feasibility project designed to: (a) enhance the knowledge of oncology care providers and women with breast cancer on use of OET in conjunction with standard oncology care, (b) assess the attitudes of oncology care providers and women with breast cancer regarding use of OET, and (c) establish relationships with providers in the oncology care community and groups for women with breast cancer. An educational program entitled “Enzyme Nutrition in Oncology Care” was developed and implemented in the project setting. Six programs were conducted with women with breast cancer, their support persons and the general public. Four programs were conducted with oncology care provider groups. An enzyme knowledge test was administered to program attendees in a pre-test/post-test fashion. Analysis of scores on the post-test when compared to the pre-test demonstrate that the knowledge base regarding oral enzyme therapy use in conjunction with standard oncology care was increased for all educational program attendees. Additionally scores reveal a favorable shift for use of OET in conjunction with standard oncology care and patient participation in clinical trials. By conducting educational programs with four oncology care provider groups, relationships were established with all of the oncology care provider groups in the project setting.

OCLC Number


Included in

Nursing Commons
