"Standards-based instruction: what teachers do in the classroom"


Document Type



Doctor of Education


Education, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Matthew D. Davis, Ph.D.


Brown, Kathleen

Owen, Ken

Riss, Sarah


Abstract The purpose of this case study was to answer the research question: what do teachers do in a standards-based classroom? Four teachers in one elementary school participated in the study. Archival data (lesson plans, walk-through feedback) from the previous school year were used to portray and describe the instructional practices, and teaching styles of the teachers. Additional information was obtained through teacher interviews and self-reported surveys. This information helped the researcher gain a better understanding of teacher knowledge-base and comprehension of standards-based instruction. Student reading scores were also used to make connections between standards-based instructional practices and student reading achievement and progress. An analysis of data and documents suggested that two of the four teachers were proficient in regard to their level of implementation of standards and instructional strategies related to standards. All teachers implemented reading standards, but in each situation it was to various levels and with an assortment of strategies. No claims were made regarding a correlation between student reading scores and the level of implementation of standards, but connections could be made in this area. Those teachers considered proficient had higher number of students who made growth in reading or who were meeting/exceeding reading expectations for their grade level.

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