"The Story In The Standards: Creating Counter-Narratives in the Common " by JARRET ALEXANDER SMITH

Document Type



Doctor of Education


Educational Practice

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Song, Kim H


Rogers, Rebecca, Ph.D.

Singer, Nancy, Ph.D.



The research question guiding this study is: How might educators create counter-narratives, particularly related to the diversity of texts, experiences and knowledge bases represented in the CCSS? The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy on the engagement in literacy acquisition of African American students in middle and high school. The basic framework for this study is situated within and informed by Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP). The study focuses on creating counter-narratives for African American students in spite of the silence of the Common Core State Standards on cultural diversity. The researcher will interview teachers about their use of culturally relevant teaching in their classroom practice. The results of these interviews will determine teaching strategies and text readings for students that will engage them in new ways. The researcher proposes that this study will appropriate strategies to strengthen positive identities as African American students through integrating culturally relevant strategies into the curriculum. Interviews will be analyzed using discourse analysis and grounded theory types of open and axial coding.

OCLC Number


Included in

Education Commons
