"Teacher Talk: How Many White, Middle-class, Female Educators Perpetuat" by Theresa Nomensen

Document Type



Doctor of Education


Educational Practice

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Dr. Matthew Davis


Dr. Thomasina Hassler


Dr. Carl Hoagland

Dr. Timothy Makubuya


This paper examines the ways middle-class, white, women, who comprise more than eighty percent of the teaching force in public schools perpetuate white supremacy in public schools, explicitly at looking at how and what middle-class, white teachers say to and about their students of color. I interrogate and analyze my own beliefs and experiences, using autoethnography, revealing my journey from learning about my white privilege to understanding how I perpetuate white privilege in schools. Using the theoretical framework of Critical Whiteness Studies, I will interrogate my own whiteness as I confront and wrestle with whiteness in myself and in five composite characters. I recollect these vignettes in cornerstone stories as they are the foundation to how I have come to understand race in the world around me. I detail and analyze these experiences in four cornerstone stories: But I’m Not a Racist: Colorblind Racism in America, Us and Them: Otherizing Students of Color in Schools, Do Black Lives Matter? The Impact of the Murder of Mike Brown on White Lives, and The Criminalization of Black Youth.

OCLC Number


Additional Files

NomensenTheresa.pdf (464 kB)
