"Decreasing Opioid Overprescription Following Outpatient Gynecology Sur" by Monica Kistler

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Alicia Hutchings PhD, RN, CNE


Laura Kuensting, DNP, APRN, PCNS-BC, CPNP, CPEN

Roselyn Lampkins, MD


Problem: Opioid abuse may be a result of overprescribing opioids. There are no opioid prescribing recommendations for minor gynecologic surgery. As a result, there is a wide variation in prescribing practices at a privately-owned surgery center where excessive opioid prescription occurs.

Methods: A quality improvement initiative with a descriptive, cohort design. A retrospective review of medical records and telephone surveys over three months resulted in the development of a series of posters describing prescription data for three procedures: hysteroscopy dilation and curettage (HDC), uterine ablation (UA), and laparoscopy (LAP). The trends and changes in opioid prescription practices were displayed throughout the surgery center every month.

Results: A total on 526 medical records were reviewed (N=526) with HDC (n=358); UA (n=95); and LAP (n=73), and 45 telephone surveys were completed (N=45) with HDC (n=18); UA (n=9); and LAP (n=18). The number of patients receiving a prescription for opioids following HDC decreased from 23.3% to 16.4% (p = .001). When opioids were prescribed following HDC, UA, and LAP the mean milligrams of morphine equivalents (MMEs) prescribed decreased 34%, 19%, and 14%, respectively. Results were significant at the p < .05 level for all groups (HDC: p=.001; UA: p=.034; LAP: p= .039).

Implications for practice: Opioid prescribing following monthly publications of prescribing practice and self-reported patient usage decreased the number of opioids prescribed. Monitoring prescribing practices and regular patient surveys may assist in changing prescription practices and may be a reasonable option to decrease excessive opioid prescription at specialty surgery centers.
