"Race-based Trauma Care Training for Veteran’s Health Administration Nu" by Vanessa Loyd

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Dr. Laura Kuensting


Tonya Haynes, DNP, RN

Patricia Hendrickson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, CPHQ



Problem: Trauma informed care has become a priority for persons exposed to psychological, physiological, emotional consequences as a result of traumatic experiences. Veterans are from different cultures, including gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and other social groups. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is responsible for the health of this culturally diverse patient population. Healthcare providers without any prior military experience may experience difficulty obtaining an accurate history and physical exam due to the military’s cross-cultural environment. The project aim was to increase confidence and competence in race-based trauma care by incorporating training into a new acute care fellowship curriculum for the novice nurse practitioner.

Methods: A prospective descriptive design utilized a purposeful sample of senior adult-geriatric nurse practitioner (AGNP) students studied during the first six-weeks of a new acute care fellowship pilot program. Outcome measures included evaluation of skills identifying racial differences, and confidence in applying culturally sensitive care.

Results: Participants (N=3) self-reported confidence increased by .33 (20%) in providing culturally competent and race-based trauma care, and they had improvement in identifying race-based differences by .33 (17%).

Implications: Results of this pilot indicated some improvement in confidence and competence when providing race-based trauma care within six-weeks. Continued training and evaluation throughout the 12-month nurse practitioner fellowship are recommended.
