"Examining Opioid Ordering Rates of Advanced Practice Providers in an E" by Bridgette Thompson

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Nancy Magnuson, DSN, APRN, FNP-BC


Melissa Ehmke, DNP, RN, CLC

Abigail Nieters, FNP-C


Problem Opioid abuse has become a major public health issue in America. Many Americans die daily from an opioid overdose. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified prescription drug abuse and overdose as a major health threat.

Methods Descriptive cohort design with a retrospective record review of the number of opioids ordered by the advanced practice provider six weeks before and six weeks after a didactic and simulation educational experience.

Results The total sample was four (N=4). Using the paired samples t test there was no difference (t = 0.65, p = 0.56) between the number of opioids ordered by the providers before and after the didactic and simulation educational experience.

Implications for Practice Feedback regarding the educational program indicated that providers found the program helpful and applicable to practice. The providers also found the discussion time together useful and productive. However, the number of opioids ordered did not significantly change based on statistical tests. Future research in education and opioid treatment is needed. Developing residency programs for nurse practitioners and physician assistants to help facilitate transitioning into the provider prescribing role would be advantageous. Implementing specific guidelines for opioid prescribing based on evidence-based practice will reinforce advanced practice provider confidence and competence. Improvements in providing education on opioid safety will strengthen practice, promote the effectiveness of treatment, and decrease the risks associated with opioid overdose and abuse.
