"Management and Support of Uninsured Patients with Diabetes Type II Wit" by Emma Spencer

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Nancy Magnuson, DSN, CS, FNP-BC


Elizabeth Mantych, RN, DNP

Wilma Calvert, PhD, MPE, RN

Pamela Talley, MSN, APRN-BC


The purpose of the project was to improve the quality of care for the uninsured, Type II Diabetics residing in a Midwestern urban underserved community. Community Health in Partnership Services (CHIPS) was a nurse-managed clinic, located in that area, that sought to lessen the burden of being uninsured. An annual fee of $35.00 allowed an uninsured community member access to a variety of different health care providers including specialists. In order to utilize this health care team efficiently, it was necessary to implement nurse-led care coordination for patients diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. This quality improvement project followed the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle to implement a quasi-experimental uncontrolled before and after design involving a retrospective review. A conveniencesample of 24 patients was obtained from CHIPS clientele. After 60 days of implementation, following a PDSA cycle, the data were analyzed using Minitab Statistical Analysis program. Once the results were analyzedand theproject concluded, the null hypothesis stated that the mean difference in HbA1C before and after implementation of care coordination would not be impacted by the implementation of care coordination and seeing a primary care provider in 2019. The p-value presented at
