"Diversity in Pre-nursing Majors and Nursing Program Applicants" by Christel Fehr

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Laura Kuensting, DNP, APRN, PCNS-BC, CPNP, CPEN.


Laura Kuensting, DNP, APRN, PCNS-BC, CPNP, CPEN.

Carla Beckerle, DNP, APRN, AGNP-BC

Michele Tanz, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC


Problem: The population of the US has become increasingly ethnically diverse. This diversity has not been reflected in the nursing workforce with approximately 70% being Caucasian and 85% being female, resulting in a disparity in healthcare delivery by minorities. The purpose of this project was to perform an analysis of race, ethnicity, and gender diversity in undergraduate nursing applicants at a rural midwestern university.

Method: A retrospective review of nursing applications, enrollment reports, and graduation rates were examined for three academic years.

Results: 326 students (N=326) applied to the nursing program from Fall 2016 through Spring 2019. Of those 58.6% (n=191) were admitted, and 66% (n=64) of those admitted from Fall 2016 through Fall 2017 graduated from the program. Statistical analysis with a Fisher’s exact test found no significant difference between gender and admission for Fall 2016 (p=1.00, OR=1.920), Fall 2017 (p=1.00, OR=1.467), Spring 2018 (p=0.391, OR=3.077), and Fall 2018 (p=1.00, OR=0.800). Statistically significant results were found for Spring 2017 (p=0.018, OR=0.165) and Spring 2019 (p=0.011, OR=11.077). No significant difference was found between gender and graduation for students admitted Fall 2016 (p=0.358, OR=0.389), Spring 2017 (p=0.295, OR=0.667), and Fall 2017 (p=0.627, OR=0.579). No significant difference was found between ethnicity and admission for Fall 2016 (p=0.570, OR=0.743), Spring 2017 (p=0.549, OR=0.283), Fall 2017 (p=1.000, OR=0.688), Spring 2018 (p=0.293, OR=0.207), Fall 2018 (p=0.647, OR=0.506), and Spring 2019 (p=0.359, OR=0.250). No significant difference was found between ethnicity and graduation for students admitted Fall 2016 (p=1.000, OR=0.667), Spring 2017 (p=1.000, OR=0.700), and Fall 2017 (p=1.000, OR=0.600).

Implications for Practice: Strategies identified in a strategic plan should be implemented to increase gender and ethnic diversity among applicants to the nursing program.

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