"What Is the Research Standard for Tenure and Promotion at U.S. Account" by Rodney Carmack

Document Type



Doctor of Business Administration


Business Administration

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Steven Moehrle


Jennifer Reynolds-Moehrle

Thomas Kozloski


Prior studies provide benchmarking data for faculty promoted at the Top 75 U.S. Accounting Research Institutions (e.g., Glover et al. 2006 and Glover et al. 2012). The data from these studies help the academic accounting market operate more effectively and efficiently. The data are valuable for less seasoned scholars as they set goals for their research output, and for professors as they evaluate candidates’ cases for tenure both at their schools and on behalf of other universities. This paper extends Glover et al. (2012) to consider programs outside of the Top 200 U.S. Accounting Research Institutions (Glover, Prawitt, & Wood, 2006; Glover, Prawitt, Summers, & Wood, 2012) and also consider additional research outlets. We consider universities that typically grant tenure based (at least in part) on research and publication output. To this end, most community colleges, unaccredited institutions, and for-profit universities are excluded.

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Accounting Commons
