"The Attitudes and Learning Styles of Adult Learners to E-Instruction o" by Brian Santos

Document Type



Doctor of Education


Educational Practice

Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

E. Paulette Isaac-Savage


Cody Ding

Jennifer Miller

Gwendolyn Turner


This study investigated the relationship between adult learner attitudes toward technology and learning style. A sample of community college Spanish students in a Midwestern city in the United States was surveyed to determine (a) an attitude score toward Spanish E-Instruction based on the Lukow ATUTS (Attitudes toward Using Technology Survey) and (b) a learning style measured by the Kolb LSI (Learning Style Inventory). The majority of participants (n = 151) were aged 18-29 (95%), used between one and five software programs on a daily basis (88%), spent at least 11 hours a week online (88%), and reported an "Accommodating" style of learning (28%). A Randomization Test for Difference of Means indicated learning styles did not differ significantly in their mean attitude toward technology (p = .063). Participants reported the use of online translators, language learning websites, and language learning games to best facilitate their achievement of course objectives. Additionally, participants reported a strong preference for language learning apps, hands-on activities, and real-world applications. The findings suggest adult educators should be cognizant of their students’ preferences for E-Instruction and language technology integration, thus giving insight into the most and least useful tools for students through the learning process.
