"Adult-Geriatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Fellowship For The Vete" by Karen Scaglione

Document Type



Doctor of Nursing Practice



Date of Defense


Graduate Advisor

Dr. Laura Kuensting


Dr. Patty Hendrickson

Dr. Tonya Haynes


Problem: Nurse practitioner (NP) fellowship programs assist the novice NP in transitioning from a traditional nursing role to advanced practice. The Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA) utilizes a NP primary care fellowship program. An acute care fellowship may assist with role transition, confidence and competence for acute care NPs. The purpose of this evidence-based pilot project was to develop a transition to practice acute care fellowship program at a Midwestern VHA hospital.

Methods: A prospective, descriptive design utilizing a convenience sample of senior adult-geriatric nurse practitioner (AGNP) students during a pilot study of an acute care fellowship program. Outcome measures included evaluation of skills interpreting electrocardiograms (ECG), chest x-rays (CXR), and self-reported confidence in performing these skills over the initial six-week period of the 12-month program.

Results: There were three participants (N=3, 100%). There was a 33% increase in self-reported confidence of readiness to practice at completion of the pilot. However, ECG scores decreased 66% and CXR interpretation scores decreased 33%. In reference to ECG, there were two (n=2) participants who met the expected level of correct interpretations at 50%, but one (n=1) did not. Regarding CXR, all participants met the expected level of correct interpretations at 50%.

Implications: Despite training and targeted clinical experiences in ECG and CXR interpretations during an acute care fellowship, competence in these skills decreased while self-reported confidence increased at the end of six-weeks. Continued education and training throughout the 12-month program is recommended to increase the novice NP’s competence in these skills while transitioning to their new role.

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