The College of Nursing shapes the future of nursing and healthcare in our community and globally, inspiring excellence in education, research, practice, and policy-making for the health and well-being of all.
Dissertations from 2015
The Effect of HIV Knowledge and HIV Attitudes on African American Women’s Decision to HIV Test, Lisa Ann Green
Transitioning Teens with Diabetes to AdulT Healthcare, Rebecca Ann Meyer
Screening the Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver for Sleep Apnea, Dianna Ohlman
Retrospective Electronic Health Record Review of Preoperative Screening of Candidates for Total Joint Replacement, Jill Ann Rude
Dissertations from 2014
Assessing the Monitoring and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Children Hospitalized for Asthma, Anne E. Borgmeyer
A Sleep Apnea Program for Commercial Drivers, Gayla Ann Dace
Provider Perception of Patient Satisfaction if Antibiotics Are Not Given for Upper Respiratory Infection, Robyn Doniel Drake
Safety Hazards Education for Mothers Who Are Homeless: Target Teaching to Improve Knowledge of Safety Hazards for Children Under Five Years of Age, Susan Halpern Fliesher
Increasing Patients’ Knowledge in Transmission of Bacterial Vaginosis and its Treatment Regimens, Debra Garner
Nutrition, Appetite and Weight Loss in Elders Living in Long-Term Care Facilities, karene Marie Goodman
Quantitative Measurement of Reciprocal Social Behavior among Toddlers Aged 18 to 24, Rebecca Sarah Light-Pearlman
Implementation of Sleep Problem Screening in a Pediatric Primary Care Office, Jennifer Erin O'Donnell
Validation of the Transportation Burden Questionnaire Among Family Caregivers of Older Adults, Bryant James Price
Dissertations from 2013
Move Montana: An Exercise Program for Children, Adolescents, and Their Families, Deanna Lynn Babb
A Pilot Project to Develop a Tool to Assess Gain in Knowledge in Third Graders Participating in a Science Based Drug Prevention Education Curriculum, Miriam Dawn Butler
Compassion Fatigue: Prevalence Among Nurses at a Midwest Pediatric Hospital, Branch Carole
A Comparison of Medication Managemnt Between Older and Younger Adults Living with HIV, Judy A. Frain
Implementation of Mental Health Screening in an Adolescent Health Care Clinic, Lisa Colleen Isenberg
Factors Mediating Disruptive Behaviors in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Marylois Lacey
Dissertations from 2012
Identification and Management of Vertebral Column Fractures in Primary Care, Christopher Richard Hemmer
Development of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Primary Care Telephone Clinic, Linda G. Kaiser
Enzyme Therapy in Oncology Care: A Clinical Scholarship Project, Julie Penick
The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in the Patient-Centered Medical Home, Patricia M. Sohn
The Feasibility of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse-Managed ADHD Resource Center in Missouri, Kara Janelle Stackley
Assessing the Feasibility and Perceptions of Health Services for Refugees of Resettlement Organizations, Heidi Jean Worabo
Dissertations from 2011
Chest Tube Dressings: A Comparison of Different Methods, Susan Kathleen Blackburn Jones
Impact of multiple children on parental supervision practices, parental developmental competence, and unintentional injury risk, Jennifer L. Taylor
Dissertations from 2010
The Mother's Perspective: Understanding More About The Health Care Needs of the Preschool Child with Autism, Margaret W. Bultas
Spermatogenesis: Laser Microdissection Optimization, Deborah Ann Hansen
The Cultivation and Practice of Spiritual Care Expertise in an Inpatient Palliative Care Setting, Gail Elaine Pittroff
Shrouded in Stigma: A Heuristic Study of Living with HIV, Neal Stacy Rosenburg
Dissertations from 2009
Rx for Change: Nurses' Response to a Smoking Cessation Intervention, Laura Louise Bisch Ochoa
Soothability and Growth in Preterm Neonates, Holly Johanna Diesel
Effect of the Interactive Computerized Information for Surrogates ICU Program in Increasing the Understanding of Informed Consent and the Knowledge of Genetic and Genomics Research, Ann Kathleen Shelton
Exercise Motivation for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Maureen Elaine Wood
Dissertations from 2008
Dissertations from 2007
Perceptions of Dyspnea, Physical Activity, and Functional Status in Obese Women, Donna Althea Jewell
A Comparison Of An Individually Tailored And A Standardized Asthma Self-Management Education Program, Judy Ann Shackelford
Missouri Ozark Women's Experiences of Living with Postpartum Depression Symptoms, Nathalie B. Williams
Dissertations from 2006
Dissertations from 2001
Sepsis Bundle Completion, Jenna Churnock
Dissertations from 1994
Implementation of a Prone Position Pressure Injury Prevention Bundle in the PICU, Lauren Hacker