Dissertations from 2017
Analysis of a STEM Education Professional Development Conference for Pre-service Educators, Keeta Holmes, Pamela Atkinson-Hamilton, Tiffanni Durham, Gloria Hardrict-Ewing, Deborah Heisler, Christina Hughes, Rosalinda Williams, Lane Walker, Christopher Young-El, and Amy Dooley
Improving New Graduate Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Knowledge and Retention Using a Dedicated Orientation and Mentoring Program, Katherine Huffer
Exploring the Use of Technology to Support Literacy of Sixth Grade Students with Reading Disabilities, Jaime R. Inman
Middle School Student and Teacher Perceptions About the Effectiveness of the Technology Integration in the Classroom, David R. Irby
Healthcare Use Self-Efficacy in Adults Who Are Homeless, Jared Ian Israel
Mathematical Approaches to Digital Image Inpainting, Sumudu S. Kalubowila
Re-reading, Re-writing, and Re-imagining Texts: Critical Literacy in a Kindergarten Classroom, Meredith Labadie
I Warned You! Applicant Reactions to Different Types of Warnings Against Faking on Personality Tests: An Organizational Justice, Trust and Affect-Based Perspective, Vanessa M. Lammers
Repercussive Discrimination: Racial Discrimination as an Explanation of Prevalent Homophobia Among Racial Minorities, Timothy E. Lewis
Supervised Release Sentences of Child Pornography Offenders in U.S. District Courts: An Examination of Disparity, Niquita Marie Loftis
Signature Strengths: A Positive Psychology Intervention with Informal Caregivers, Megan C. MacDougall
Syntheses, Structures and Magnetic Properties of Cyano-bridged Transition Metal Compounds, Uma Prasad Mallik
The Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Missouri: An Analysis of Needs Assessment, Jessica L. Mann
Processing Motion: Using Code to Teach Newtonian Physics, M. Ryan Massey
The Effectiveness of Treatment As Policy for Sex Offenders, Brooke Mayfield
Academic Supports Preferred by Academically Struggling African American Students at a Predominantly White University, Ellen E. Meadows and Joan H. Ruppert
Meeting Yourself Without Rose Colored Glasses: An Urban Charter, Apryll L. Mendez Gaskew and Shenelle M. Dubose
In Vivo Characterization of the Drosophila mRNA 3’-end Processing Core Cleavage Complex: Poly(A) mRNA & Histone mRNA 3’-end Processing, Daniel Michalski
The Role of Integrated Curriculum in the 21st Century School, Kimberly Mohr and Robert W. Welker
Psychometric Evaluation of the Counselor Supervisor Self-Efficacy Scale, Brittany Murphy
Experiences of Former Participants in Teen Advocates for Sexual Health (TASH), Celeste Nicholas
(Re)Storying Ferguson: Youth Voices and Literate Lives, Katherine O'Daniels
Exploring Whites' Recognition of Racial Microaggressions through an Existential Lens, Ashley Gold Parker
The Relationship Between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Romantic Relationship Quality, Dixie Dawn Phillips Meyer
Providing Equitable Access to Education for African American Students: The Journey of One Administrative Team, John P. Raimondo
Systematics, Biogeography, and Species Delimitation of the Malagasy Psorospermum (Hypericaceae), Heritiana S. Ranarivelo
Implementation of a Daily Checklist to Improve Patient Safety and Quality of Care in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Catherine Reese
Understanding the Decline in Child Victimization: A National-and-State-Level Analysis of Child Abuse and Neglect Trends, Maribeth L. Rezey
Transformational Leadership: An Urban Leaders' Autoethnography, Joyce M. Roberts
A Mixed-methods Study of English Language Learners' Academic Achievements in a Spanish Language Immersion School, Ibtihal Salman
Incoterms® Use in Buyer-Seller Relationships: a Mixed Methods Study, Thomas J. Schaefer
DNA-Binding and Cellular Uptake Properties of Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamides, Maria J. Scuderi
Gender Inequality, Intersectionality, and Violence Against Women: A National- and State-level Analysis of Violence Against Women Trends, CheyOnna Sewell
Homicide and the World Religions, Allen Shamow
The Effectiveness of Combined Appointments and Influenza Immunization Rates in a Rural WIC Population, Lisa L. Sitler
ULEAD: The Effects of a Civics-Based Educational Program on Urban Youth, Rodney W. Smith, Aaron H. Willis, and Mario Pascal Charles
White and African American Elementary Aged Student Perspectives of School Climate and the Relationship to Academic Achievement, Jeremy Spoor and Rachel Turney
A Functional Algorithm for Weight Loss and Obesity Practice: Guide for Clinical Decision-Making for Treating Women, Jennifer A. Tice Williams
Trolling Twitter, Eric Vorst
A Video Intervention for Professionals Working with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults, Allison R. Warren
Beauty is Beneficial: An Examination of Candidate Facial Attractiveness, Gender, Qualification, and Customer Visibility on Online Recruitment Intentions, Breanna R. Wexler
ULEAD: The Effects of a Civics-Based Educational Program on Urban Youth, Aaron H. Willis
A Study of Early Literacy Interventions on the College and Career Readiness of High School Students Identified as Struggling Readers in First Grade, Ann Michele Willott
School Connectedness as a Moderator between Racial Microaggressions and Academic Performance for African American High School Students, Courtney Wilson
Teachers’ Perceptions of Educational Games that Keep Score of Cooperative Performances, Theodore Alden Wohlfarth
Dissertations from 2016
Afrocentric Curriculum: A Paradigm for Healing and Education, Ameer Akinwale Ali
Applications of nanoporous gold monoliths as substrates for the capture and release of lectins and glycoproteins, Allan Jonson Alla
The Paradox of Impoverished Missouri Schools: The School Districts in Missouri that Need More Often Get Less, William John Armon
Sexual Orientation Microaggressions in High Schools, Marti Lee Baricevic
Decision-making in the Foster Care System, Julie E. Bertram
The Impact of a Supportive Feedback Environment on Attitudinal and Performance Outcomes, Amanda Lee Blinebry
An Effort Toward Collaborative Problem Solving in Teacher Candidates’ Practicum: Reflection in Action, Jerome Christopher Bollato
Impact of a Growth Mindset Intervention on Academic Performance of Students at Two Urban High Schools, Lisa Brougham
Spectroscopic and Spectro-Astrometric Analysis of T Tauri Stars, Logan Ryan Brown
Perception of consultation among Professional School counselors, Teachers and Mental Health Professional Counselors, Brenda Lorraine Bryant
Caffeine Combined with Sedative/Anesthetic Drugs Used in Neonatal Medicine and Apoptotic Neurotoxicity in Developing Mouse Brain, Omar Hosea Cabrera
Investigations of Storage Root Development in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), Yeetoh Chaweewan
Effects of blood pressure on brain microstructure and cognition in healthy older adults, Sarah Ann Cooley
In Vivo And In Vitro Studies Of Polyamides That Are Active Antiviral Agents Against HPV16, Edith Csiki-Fejer
Expanding Coercive Mobility Theory: Women's Forms of Capital and Neighborhood Social Control, Jaclyn Marie Cwick
Historical Biogeography, Spatial Distribution, and Within-Host Interactions of Avian Haemosporidian Parasites (Apicomplexa, Haemosporida), Leticia De Souza Soares
Supporting Students with Disabilities Entering the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Field Disciplines, Karen Marie Dishauzi
Federal Involvement in Education Policy: An Analysis of Race To The Top, Angela L. Early
The Relationship between Intercollegiate Coaches’ Servant Leadership and their Athletes’ Ethically-Related Sport Orientations and Behaviors, Lyman (Lee) Estel Ellis III
Learning language with technology in a hybrid university EAP course, Jerol Brent Enoch
Fidelity to the Cognitive Processing Therapy Protocol: Further Evaluation of Critical Elements, Courtney Chappuis Farmer
Examining the Barriers and Facilitators of Breastfeeding Duration Among Active-Duty Military Mothers, Andrea Lynn Farwell
What Happens In the Classroom?: How School Culture Influences and Impacts Professional Development and Teacher Practice, Dawn Kasal Finley
High Ability Visual Artists: A National Mixed Methods Study of Secondary Art Teacher Training and Practice, Jennifer Christine Fisher
I AM My Sister's Keeper: Considering the Experiences of African American Women Educators Working in Predominantly White Public School Systems, Lelia L. Flagg
The Illumination of Racial Understandings as Revealed in Teacher Education Students' Interpretation of Written Text, Carolyn Marie Fuller
Race, Neighborhood Context, and Drug Enforcement: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Racial Disparities in Drug Arrests, Shytierra Gaston
The Role of Client Avoidance on PTSD Recovery throughout the Course of Trauma Therapy, Chelsea Alyssa Gloth
Study of Vaporization Enthalpies and Vapor Pressures of Potential Environmental Pollutants by Correlation-Gas Chromatography, Chase Patrick Gobble
The Role of Money and Endorsements in Same-Sex Marriage Ballot Initiatives, Jessica Lorraine Loyet Gracey
Characteristics of Early Non-persisting Developmental Education Students in the Community College: A Nested Analysis, Joseph George Grailer
Anthropogenic disturbance modulates mammal community diversity, assembly, & abundance: Emerging infectious disease risk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Leticia Andrea Gutiérrez Jiménez
The Synthesis and Characterization of Photoluminescent Conjugated Frameworks Containing Silicon and Germanium, Douglas William Hammerstroem
Missouri's Missing Education Policy: Support Systems for Districts with High Student Mobility Rates, Mary Lee Hardy
Endogenous Small Interfering RNA: Insights into esiRNA biogenesis and their precursors, Andrew White Harrington
Integrating digital literacy and traditional print text: A focus on struggling readers during guided reading, Andrea Heckman-Hughes
Questioning the Questioner: The Effect of Applicant Questions on Interview Outcomes, Heather Grace Heimbaugh
Children Who are Deaf Deserve Researched Based Education, Cheryl Ann Hermann
Predicting Purpose: An Examination of Early Predictors of Progression and Career Choice among First-Year Nursing Students, Iris Hinderliter
Invisibly Visible: A Study of African-American Females and their Ascent to the Superintendency, Tracy M. Hinds
Retention and Persistence in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study of Risk Factors and Milestones Impacting Second Semester Retention of Freshmen Students, Tyson Ray Holder, Sean Jeremy Chism, Theresa Keuss, and Natissia Shonte Small
The Impact of Globalization on Global Civil Society Expansion, Barbara Jean Hosto-Marti
The Public Consequences of a Personal Choice: The Impact of the Decision to be Childfree in Family-Friendly America, Emily Ingalls
Implementation of Sleep Assessment Questionnaire in College Health and Counseling Visits: A Quality Improvement Pilot, Sarah Ruth Jackson