Dissertations from 2018
Assessing the Impact of Practice Transition on Advance Practice Registered Nurse’s Job Stress and Job Satisfaction, Patricia E. Hendrickson
Anti-Black School Policy Making: A Critical Policy Analysis of the Wellston/Normandy Merger, Eric Higgins
Permanent Housing and On-Site Nursing Care: Effects on Homeless Individuals with HIV and Other Cormorbidities, Lynelle Hinden
An Analysis of African-American Faculty Experiences During the Tenure Process, Katrina M. Hubbard
Mindfulness as a vigilance intervention: Examining its impact on stress and mental demand, Kelli Huber
Haemosporidian Parasites and Host Immune Function of Galapagos Avifauna, Maricruz Jaramillo
Nanoporous Carbon Scaffolds for Energy Storage Applications, Waruni Jayawardana
Measurements That Matter: Assessment & Management of the Symptoms of Chronic Illness Using the Integrated Palliative Outcome Scale (IPOS), Deborah Jeffery
Divisibility in the Stone-Cech Compactification of N, Salahddeen Khalifa
Optimizing strategic sourcing in the healthcare supply chain with consideration of physician preference and vendor scorecards, Parimal Kulkarni
The Dreaded Performance Appraisal: Can the Process Ever be Comfortable?, Lauren LaBat
The Core Competencies for Chinese Language Teachers in Taiwan: A Multiple Criteria Decision Making Approach, Ying-hua Lan
Cultural Identity Silencing of Native American Identity in Education: A Descriptive Phenomenological Investigation, Katheryne Leigh
Teacher Autonomy in a Site-Managed Charter School: Views of Autonomy, Autonomy Support, and their Educational Impact, Kristen Levin
The Meaning of a Family History of Colorectal Cancer in Black Families in the United States, Cassandra Loggins
Containing Risk when Maximizing Supply-Chain Performance, Harrison Luvai
Online Socialization and Delinquency: Expanding the Study of Peer Influence in Criminology, Timothy McCuddy
Resilience and College Persistence: Characterizing Students Who Have Failed Courses, Mary Merrifield
Evolving Specialization in an Agent-Based Model without Task-Switching Costs, Shane Meyer
Intercultural Coworker Relationships (ICORs) in the Global Workplace: A Grounded Theory Study, Jennifer L. Morton
Why Giving Up the Keys Can Be Terrifying: Examining Driving Retirement Through a Terror Management Theory Paradigm, Perri Navarro
Investigation of Vaporization Enthalpies and Vapor Pressures of Organic Compounds by Correlation Gas Chromatography, Carissa Nelson
An Exploration of NICU Nursing Staff Perspective on the Change from Pod to Private Room Patient Care, Julie Nickles
DNA Binding Kinetics of Large Antiviral Hairpin Polyamides, Jacquelyn Niederschulte
Teacher Talk: How Many White, Middle-class, Female Educators Perpetuate White Privilege in School, Theresa Nomensen
Steric Effects on the Formation of Manganese Oxide Clusters and 2-Dimensional Ammonium Formate Architectures, Carl Oberle
Motivation Predicts Self-Control of Racial Bias After Viewing Alcohol Advertisements, Zachary Wolfgang Petzel
Family Care Partners of Chronically Ill Older Adults: The Role of Uncertainty in Illness, Jillian Pine
Implementing the CDCs Core Elements of Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship Program into the Urgent Care, Deanna Powelson
Estimating WASI IQ Scores to Assist in Identifying Elementary School Gifted Students, Debra Garrett Pregler
Interactions and Pathogen Transmission Between Carnivores in Madagascar, Fidisoa Rasambainarivo
School Accountability and Equal Opportunity in Missouri, Bradley Ross
Implementation of National Pediatric Guidelines to Prevent Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Children with Cancer, Taryn Sandheinrich
Unmasking Whiteness: Progressing Toward Cultural Responsiveness Within a RTI Framework, Melinda F. Scheetz
Using Video Modeling to Teach Vocational Skills to Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Karl Schoenherr
Assessment of Nursing Knowledge Before and After Implementation of Educational Intervention on Heart Failure, Sarah Scott
Aligning with Patient-Centered Medical Home Standards: Depression Screening in Primary Care, Elizabeth Segura
Validation of the Barkley Deficits of Executive Functioning Scale-Short Form, Brian Sheble
Eye Examination:Satisfying a Quality Care Measure in Diabetes, Meera Shekar
Experiences of African American Women and their Ascension to Senior Academic Leadership Positions in Higher Education Institutions, Jennifer Simms
Thermodynamics in Large Hairpin Polyamide-DNA Interactions, Yang Song
Indicators and Precipitators of Special Educator Satisfaction: The Role of Certification and Advanced Coursework, Jessica Spencer
Cationic Ruthenium Complexes in Catalysis: The Activation of Propargylic Alcohols Through Electronically Tuned Complexes, Matthew James Stark
Examining the Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth: Pathways to Thriving in the Face of Adversity, David Strasshofer
The Dynamical State of a Young Stellar Cluster, Timothy Sullivan
Evaluation of a Youth Emergency Room Enhancement Program for Behavioral Health, Anne Thatcher
Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Political Behavior Scale, Amanda Thomas
Poetics of the [Selves]∞: An Active Aesthetic, Alena Tunprasert-Ahrens
Prophylactic Antibiotic Use in Female Patients With Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery: A Retrospective Comparative Effectiveness Study, Courtney E. Turnbough
Predictors of First Semester Baccalaureate Nursing Student Academic Success, Julie Twidwell
A Multi-Skilled Approach to Property Maintenance Considering Temporal, Spatial and Resource Constraints, Anthony G. Vatterott
Chemical Synthesis of Staphylococcal Oligosaccharides, Satsawat Visansirikul
Application of Glycosyl Imidates and Nitrates in Carbohydrate Synthesis, Tinghua Wang
The Political Nature of Defense Policy in Congress, Timothy Welter
Alternatives in Magnesium Sulfate Treatment Courses: An Investigation of Physician Prescribing Behaviors, Erin Williams
Assessing the Impact of County-level Factors on Pretrial Detention Decisions, Joshua Williams
The Impact of the Use of Science Notebooks in Conjunction with a Learning Progression-based Science Unit in an Urban Middle School, Reagan Williams
The Role of Popular Culture in Preschool Children’s Emergent Writing/Composing: An Exploration of the Writing Process and Tensions Surrounding One Preschool Writing Center, Stephanie Winters
Highly Symmetric Multiple Bi-Frames for Curve and Surface Multiresolution Processing, Khulud Ziadi
Teacher Perceptions of Ability in Implementing a Culturally Responsive Educational Practice for Culturally Linguistically Diverse Students with Dis/Abilities, Melanie Ziebatree
Dissertations from 2017
Stress and the Resiliency of Teachers, Michelle L. Abiyou
Correspondence between Multiwavelet Shrinkage/Multiple Wavelet Frame Shrinkage and Nonlinear Diffusion, Hanan Ali Alkhidhr
Right Hemisphere Capacities for Word-Finding: Bilateral Modulation of Event-Related Potentials in Healthy Adults and Adults with Aphasia, Amanda C. Alton
Predictors of Cognitive Function Among Cognitively Impaired Older African Americans Living in Congregate Residential Settings, Zyra Daffodil Apugan
Under-Representation in Autism: An Examination of Educational Evaluation Practices for Black Students, Erika L. Ayanaw
The Diversity, Costs, and Benefits of Shelters Built by Lepidopteran Caterpillars in a Costa Rican Dry Forest, Christina Baer
Neuroimaging and Cognitive Outcomes in Adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Early Life Stress, Laurie M. Baker
Work Ethic, Turnover, and Performance: An Examination of Predictive Validity for Entry-level Employees, Christina Banister
A Qualitative Case Study: Examining the Social and Cultural Impact of SISTERS Club, Andrea L. Barrale
A for Academics or Athletics: A Critical Look at African American Male Student Athletes in Search of Identity, Tamekia Bush
Design and Evaluation of a Course on Social and Emotional Learning and Classroom Management for Future Teachers in Colombia, Andrea Bustamante
Biophysical Studies of Hairpin Polyamides with Broad-Spectrum Activity Against High-Risk Human Papillomaviruses, Carlos H. Castaneda
Cadmium Chloride Dimensionality Changes From Ortho-Substituted Anilines, Stephanie Cernicek
A Healthcare Provider Needs Assessment Regarding Transgender Patient Health for a Student Health Services Center, Dorothy J. Cochran
Elucidating mechanisms of protein aggregation in Alzheimer’s Disease using antibody-based strategies., Benjamin A. Colvin
Monitoring Patient Safety in the Recovery Room, Gail Davis
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: The Temporal Stability of Crime Hot Spots and the Criminology of Place, Michael J. Deckard
Are Means Determinative: An Examination of the Influence of Relative Economic and Military Strength on Grand Strategy Choice, Raymond W. Deppen
The Importance of National Identity in Social Studies Classes in Puerto Rico: An Examination of Teacher and Student Perceptions of “Lo Nacional”, Jesus Daniel Diaz
A Study of digital communications between universities and students, Perry D. Drake
Meeting Yourself Without Rose Colored Glasses: An Urban Public School, Shenelle DuBose and Apryll Mendez
Validation of the Multilayered Gender Identity Questionnaires, Philip Eiseman
Inside the VA: How Workplace Training Evaluation Impacts Employee Performance, Timica Emerson
Parasitism of free-ranging Neotropical primates: examining parasite-host and parasite-parasite relationships, Gideon A. Erkenswick
The Missouri Student Transfer Program, Howard E. Fields III
Implementation of the National Asthma Guidelines in a Residential Pediatric Clinic, Patricia A. Foster-Staples
Elements of Moral Functioning in Sport and School, Christopher Funk
Women’s Sexual Initiation: The Impact of Gender Roles and Relationship Type, Sara Gonzalez-Rivas
Interactions Between Amyloid-beta and Microglial Cells, Lisa Gouwens
How African American Parents Prepare to Homeschool Their Children, Riquita Henry
Positive vs. Negative Politics and Behavioral Intentions: An Experimental Examination, Sarah Hill
A Longitudinal Examination of Personality at Work: Examining the Relationship Between Variability in Personality and Job Performance and Turnover Intentions, Ryan Joseph Hirtz
Sistahs for Success: An Adult Education Intervention Program to Increase Career Decsion Self-Efficacy for African American Women, Traci L. Hodges