Dissertations from 2019
Environmental Science and Culture: Exploring the Factors Contributing to the Pro-Environmental Behavior of Rural Youth, Michelle Donlan, Elizabeth Flotte, and Patricia Silovsky
Key Experiences and Non-monetary Resources Impacting Stakeholder Satisfaction, Growth, and Effectiveness in Educational Settings, Michelle Farell, Claire Crapo, and Skyler Wiseman
Capabilities and Limitations of the Spin Hamiltonian Formalism in Single Molecule Magnets, Philip Ferko
A Silent Epidemic with No Voice: Alzheimer's Education in an African American Midwest Community, Sandra D. Fields
Enhancing Scalability in Genetic Programming With Adaptable Constraints, Type Constraints and Automatically Defined Functions, George Gerules
Transforming Professional Development for Today's Educational Environment, Amy L. Geurkink-Coats and Richard A. Regina
A Computational Study of Sleep and the Hemispheres of the Brain, Tera Ashley Glaze
The Influence of Social Capital on Community Sustainability in Meacham Park, Missouri During 1996 -1999, Sheila Green-Samuels
Referrals to an Opioid Overdose Program with EMS Involvement: Comparing Treatment Outcomes, Courtney Haas
Education-Based Interventions Effects on 30-day Readmission Rates for Patients with COPD, Gina Hand-Eoloff
High Resolution Near-Infrared/Visible Intracavity Laser Spectroscopy of Small Molecules, Jack Harms
Impact of a Web-Based Instructional Module of Alzheimer’s Disease within Seven Content Knowledge Domains, Joyce Haynie
Equitable Access in Education: Access to Joy, Choice Options, and Strong Neighborhood Schools, Noah Hollenkamp, Albert J. Sanders Jr., and Lindsay Schuessler
An Exploration of Trust in Community Leadership Contexts, Richard Hudanick, Kimberlie M. Straatmann, Michael Miller, Andrea Harper, and Joshua White
Phylogeographic Relationships of Coereba flaveola and Their Malaria Parasites, Meghann Humphries
Recover Data in Sparse Expansion Forms Modeled by Special Basis Functions, Abdulmtalb Mohamed Hussen
African Centered Education, The Maji Shujaa Online Academy: A Descriptive Case Study, Beverly Jackson
The 5E Swipe Emancipation from Welfare Dependency, Jarvis James
A Vaccine Administration Training Program to Increase Adolescent Vaccination Rates, Claire Jensen
The Impact of Structural Supports on the Success of Students of Color in the K-16 Educational System, Brandis Jones and Sherry Holmes
Same-sex Sexual Coercion among Women: The Impact of Minority Stress on Perpetration and Victimization Experiences of Women of Diverse Sexual Identities, Allison Kirschbaum
Decreasing Opioid Overprescription Following Outpatient Gynecology Surgery, Monica Kistler
The Role of Bro Culture in Exploration of Why Women Leave IT, Ana Krasteva
Nitrous Oxide Use For Minor But Painful Pediatric Procedures, Samantha Kremer
Race-based Trauma Care Training for Veteran’s Health Administration Nurse Practitioners, Vanessa Loyd
Regional and Historical Influences on the Spatial Distribution of Neotropical Trees, Maria Isabel Loza
Implementation of Oral Health Recommendations in Pediatric Primary Care, Kelly Lucash
An Exploration of Contextual Factors of Weight-based Discrimination Against Business Leaders, Ellen Hermann Lynch
A Black African Teacher’s Experiences in America: Examining the Lived Experiences of a Black African Teacher Working in a Midwestern Public School, Valentine Malumbila
Application of the Picoloyl Group in Carbohydrate Chemistry, Michael Mannino
Effect of Integrating Adult Learning Concepts and Curriculum Structure into Customer Service Training for Specialty Pharmacy Employees, Caroline McCallister
The Influence of Media Consumption on Trust, Political Efficacy and Social Media Activism among Young Adults, Kerra Mccorkle- Akanbi
Building Community in Online Faculty Development, Jennifer McKanry
Reducing CAUTIs in a Neurological ICU, Claire McKee
The Influence of Stressful Life Events on the Development of Type 2 Diabetes, Joshua Minks
A Quality Initiative to Reduce Pneumonia Readmissions and Mortality in Older Adults, Terri Morris
The Process of Oral Academic Discourse Socialization and Workplace Enculturation of International Graduate Students of Business, Denise Mussman
In-groups, Out-groups and the Challenge of Increasing Diversity through Intentional Inclusion and Equity Practices: Exploring the Roles of Urban Land Managers, Affinity Groups, and Alaska Residents, Susan Newton, Amy Markle, and Laurie Stuart
Using African Cultural and Liberating Concepts, Sean Nichols
Depression in HIV-positive Individuals Living in a Residential Housing Community, Danielle Njeri
Screening For Sexually Transmitted Infections In Adolescents, Millicent Palacios
Barriers to Mental Health Treatment in Patients Referred by Primary Care, Rebecca Palmer
Towards Completely Automated Glycan Synthesis, Matteo Panza
Implementation of the Integrated Palliative Outcome Scale (IPOS) into Palliative Care Practice, Lisa A. Pezold
Decoding the History of the Early Solar System Using Comet Volatile Compositions, Nathan Roth
The Attitudes and Learning Styles of Adult Learners to E-Instruction of the Spanish Language, Brian Santos
Adult-Geriatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Fellowship For The Veterans Health Administration, Karen Scaglione
A Rural Telehealth Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Devon Schlottach
Dysphagia Screening to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Rates, Namneet Sekhon
Innovative Teaching Practices to Accelerate Student Learning in the Areas of Literacy and Science, Michelle Simmons and Paris Bouchard
Identifying Potential Predictors of Health Literacy and Steps Taken to Pursue Kidney Transplant Among African-Americans on Dialysis, Stacy Skelton
Management and Support of Uninsured Patients with Diabetes Type II Within a Nurse Managed Clinic, Emma Spencer
Task-Based Estimation and Planning for Application Development Projects and Resources: Models, Methods and Applications, Chidambaram Subbiah
Improving Maternal Outcomes through Labetalol Algorithm Utilization for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy, Hailee B. Taylor
A Behavioral Weight Loss Program for Low-Income Adults with Obesity and HIV, Sophai Thach
Examining Opioid Ordering Rates of Advanced Practice Providers in an Emergency Department, Bridgette Thompson
The Role of Multidrug Resistance Regulators MarA, SoxS, Rob and RamA in Regulating Virulence Traits in Salmonella enterica, Srinivas Thota
Perioperative Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Vascular Surgery: A Quality Assessment and Improvement Project, Brian Torres
A Dynamic Approach to Understanding Immigration, Ethnicity and Violent Crime in Chicago Communities, Saundra Trujillo
Understanding Comorbid Depression in the Context of PTSD Through Underlying Dimensions, Melissa Turkel
You Look Like Me: The Impact of Demographic Similarity on Picture Primes’ Effectiveness, Jennifer L. Unnerstall
A Survey of Healthcare Workers on Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Resource Availability, Utilization, and Adherence, Kimberly Waltrip
Chemical Synthesis of Oligosaccharides from Human Milk, Mithila Dulanjalee Bandara Weerasooriya Mudiyanselage
Improving Access to Mental Health Care with Nurse Practitioners, Jessica Whelan
The Effect of Union Affiliation on Salary for Female Community College Faculty, Kathleen Kanz White
Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking in the Elementary Social Studies Classroom: Teaching Social Justice Through the Lenses of Power and Oppression and Site-Based Experiences, Julia R. Wilkins and Chelsea D. Witwer
Dissertations from 2018
The ecology and feeding behavior of mosquitoes in the Galapagos Islands, Samoa S. Asigau
Systematics of Malesian-Pacific Piper (Piperaceae), Rani Asmarayani
A Multilevel Model of Poverty, Community Factors, and Learning for Students with Disabilities., Randal Barnes
Ukraine at the Crossroad in Post-Communist Europe: Policymaking and the Role of Foreign Actors, Ryan Barrett
What About Us? For Girls Between Worlds: How Black Girls Navigate White High Schools, Cryslynn C. Billingsley
Factors Related to Ethnocultural Empathy Among White Counselor Education Faculty: Implications for African American Male Students., Courtney R. Boddie
Optimizing the Involvement of Women with Opioid Use Disorder in the Care of Their Infants Experiencing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Rebecca Boedeker
Teaching With Citizen Science: An Exploratory Study of Teachers' Motivations & Perceptions, Georgia Bracey
Nurse-led Triage Clinic in an HIV Supportive Housing Apartment Community, Sally Breen
How School Counselors Cope with Student Suicide: A Qualitative Study, Sara Carpenter
Functionalized Nanoporous Carbon Scaffolds for Hydrogen Storage Applications, Christopher Carr
Exploring Internalized Classism Using the Regressive Model of Self-stigma, Johanna Collier
Pursuing the Professoriate: The Academic Career Development of Black Female Doctoral Students at Predominantly White Institutions, Jennifer Culver
Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Telehealth Alternative for Veterans, Jessica Dickman
Implementing a CAPS Simulation to Increase Nursing Education Practice Students’ Self-awareness of Attitudes and Beliefs about Poverty, Melissa Ehmke
Puf Proteins: Regulation of Condition-Specific mRNA Decay and Contributions to Ribosome Biogenesis in Yeast, Anthony Fischer
Development of Rules of Attraction for Intercalated Guest Molecules Inside of a Hydrogen Bonded Framework, Matthew Fischer
Aligning With Patient-Centered Medical Home Standards: Depression Screening in Women's Health, Charity Galgani