Theses from 2021
Duende, Lisa Keeton (Available for download on Sunday, March 24, 2041)
Equity and Ability Grouping: A Study of Whole-School Practices and Reflections on Vocal Music Education, Daniel Glossenger and Andrew Cowell
Examining Own-Race Bias: A Cooperation and Memory Study Using Diverse Emojis, Jillian Franks
Exploring the Influence of Industry 4.0 Technology on Buyer-supplier Relationships (Supplier Transparency) and Supply Chain Agility, Honey Zimmerman
Guided Online Coaching for Teachers of Emergent Bilinguals in a TESOL Practicum Course During COVID-19, Dawn Thieman
Heterosexual Parents Who Move Toward Acceptance of Their Gay Sons, Brady Sullivan
Impact of Aging Information on the Continuing Education Preferences of Behavioral Health Clinicians, Nicholas Schmidt
Madness and Sanity: Wisdom of Madmen and the Wise Men Madness in the 19th century, Norah Roudhan
Medical Expertise, Patient Expertise, and Surrogate Decision Making: The Importance of Co-deliberation in Medical Decision-Making, Lindsey Grossheim
Nazi Germany and The Coalition Against Alcohol and Tobacco Use, Elli McElhannon
Not Just Another Professional Development Session: Implementing Effective Social Justice Aligned Professional Learning for Educators, Jessica Bitting
Religious Leadership: Agents of Social Change, Jacqueline Carter
Signing to Success: Developing Effective ASL Curricula in Secondary Public Education, Claire Sutterer
Statistical Analysis of Birth Control Counseling Recipients, Aman Chishti
Surfing Without Water: College Students Who Experience Homelessness, Melissa Scheer and Deidra C. Thomas-Murray
Systems of Success: African American Women Prepared, Dawna Sturdivant Wharton
The Church and Michael Brown: The Influence of Christianity on Racialized Political Attitudes in Ferguson, Missouri, Tyler Chance
The Effects of Mobile Devices & Maker Projects on Middle School African American Students’ STEM Knowledge Base & Interest, Allen L. Savage Sr.
The Relationship Between Number of Instructional Minutes and Science and Mathematics Achievement in Elementary Schools, Gwendolyn Randolph
The Role of Zingiberales Shared Evolutionary History and Leaf Traits in Structuring Rolled-leaf Beetle Assemblages in a Tropical Forest, José Miguel Chaves Fallas
Those Thrice Marked By Time: The Significance of the Last Known Survivor, Their Death, and Our Remembrance, Michael Tofte
Torches of Freedom and Gender Inequality, Amna Baghli
What Does Masculinity Have to Do With It? The Roles of Fathers in the Socialization of Children’s Emotions and Emotion Regulation, Kathryn Cherry (Available for download on Saturday, July 05, 2025)